
Latest News Stories
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Budgets, AI, cows and space among topics covered in Los Alamos Lab Director’s Jan. 21 Town Hall
About 300 people attended the virtual presentation and Q&A session

New centers set to transform microelectronics technologies
Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies leads semiconductor nanomaterial effort aimed at extreme environments

Fuel cell commercialization program at Los Alamos calls for partners
L’Innovator 2.0 Program offers access to catalyst and electrode structure intellectual property

Artificial intelligence algorithms used to tune particle accelerators
Training data means real-time, effective tuning to ensure accelerator precision

Nuclear Weapons Council commemorates pit production milestone
Visit to Los Alamos National Lab highlights commitment to deterrence

Holiday Giving Campaign raises $2.6 million
Employee dollars fund toys for kids, scholarships and area nonprofits

Awards and Recognitions Stories
All Awards and Recognitions
Los Alamos researcher receives Electrochemical Society award for sustainable energy technology
The recognition highlights innovations in fuel cell development

8 awards go to Los Alamos National Lab for employer excellence
Recognitions in 2024 demonstrate Lab’s support for workforce and diversity

4 Los Alamos researchers receive Laboratory Fellows’ Prizes
Gandolfi, Lin, Neudecker honored for research, Myers for leadership

Los Alamos National Laboratory announces winners of its most prestigious medals
Three winners exemplify the Lab’s excellence in global security, operations and community relations

7 Los Alamos researchers named 2024 Laboratory Fellows

Investors and scientists converge at Lab tech-transfer event
Los Alamos National Laboratory technologies offer solutions to challenges such as vaccine development, food production

Community Stories
All Community
Budgets, AI, cows and space among topics covered in Los Alamos Lab Director’s Jan. 21 Town Hall
About 300 people attended the virtual presentation and Q&A session

Holiday Giving Campaign raises $2.6 million
Employee dollars fund toys for kids, scholarships and area nonprofits

Bilingual Montessori School of Los Alamos now fully open with slots available
Final phase of child care center’s construction and licensing completed

10 top moments of community connection in 2024
Highlights of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s community engagement as the year comes to a close

Bradbury Science Museum provides space for memories of Charlie McMillan
Members of the community are invited to share their tributes to the former Laboratory director

Team honors Marine reservist
Veterans and non-military employees at Los Alamos National Laboratory came together to celebrate colleague’s military promotion to gunnery sergeant

Computing Stories
All Computing
University of Michigan, Lab to jointly develop Michigan-based AI research center
This U-M press release highlights how a partnership expands research collaboration

AI algorithms deployed on-chip reduce power consumption of deep learning applications
Brain-inspired algorithm on neuromorphic hardware reduces cost of learning

Students get quantum computing mentorship and research experience
Fellowship covers theory, programming and hands-on projects

Los Alamos team cracks the code on the bane of quantum machine learning algorithms
Barren plateaus have long plagued progress in the field of variational quantum computing, but their understanding has been limited — until now

Los Alamos and SK hynix to demonstrate new Object Computational Storage system
Collaboration to debut demonstration at 2024 Flash Memory Summit

New open-source code improves safety and performance of manufactured parts
Fierro helps develop parts that are stronger, lighter and with less waste

Energy Stories
All Energy
Laboratory teams with Georgia Institute of Technology for AI energy-grid research
Agreement with AI4OPT will drive research and training on AI problem-solving

Los Alamos researchers look for feedback on the Geothermal Clean Energy Testbed Scoping Study
Geothermal energy could bring high-paying jobs to New Mexico

This is not your grandparents’ power grid
Keeping the lights on requires advanced mathematical approaches to support a smarter, more resilient power grid

Magnetic impurities turn quantum dots into emitters of free electrons
Manganese impurities added to quantum dots enable high-efficiency generation of free electrons for use in photochemistry and photocathodes

Bioplastics point the way to an environmentally sustainable, green future
AI accelerates research into Earth-friendly materials that soak up CO2 and break the dependence on fossil feedstocks for everyday products

New data-driven model could help the world meet clean-energy demands
‘LAROMance’ predicts metals’ response to extreme conditions

About the Lab Stories
All About the Lab
J. Patrick Fitch selected as deputy Laboratory director for Science, Technology and Engineering

Triad announces Jay Sures as new chair of the board
Sures will assume the chairmanship effective Jan. 1 and remains on the University of California Board of Regents where he serves on the National Laboratories Committee

Studying human error to improve safety
Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Mike Petrowski looks at the “why” to understand — and prevent — mistakes

Los Alamos ranks as a top employer promoting diversity
Lab recognized by LATINA Style magazine

Oppenheimer’s science beyond the Manhattan Project

Concrete placements completed for Los Alamos National Laboratory warehouses supporting pit mission
Warehouses will be used to assemble glove boxes and other equipment

Operations Stories
All Operations
Laboratory delivers upgraded office and parking space
New facilities just in time for the New Year

New substation powered up Oct. 14
State-of-the-art facility supplies electricity to LANL, Los Alamos County

Unauthorized drone flights are prohibited in Laboratory restricted airspace, including additional No Drone Zone
Recent unauthorized drone flights have been detected in this restricted airspace.

Los Alamos National Laboratory commits to advancing gender equality in nuclear policy
Los Alamos first national lab to join Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy

Los Alamos and University of Nebraska team for biodefense program
A partnership will boost educational opportunities for students seeking careers in the biodefense field

Science, Technology & Engineering Stories
All Science, Technology & Engineering
New centers set to transform microelectronics technologies
Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies leads semiconductor nanomaterial effort aimed at extreme environments

Fuel cell commercialization program at Los Alamos calls for partners
L’Innovator 2.0 Program offers access to catalyst and electrode structure intellectual property

Artificial intelligence algorithms used to tune particle accelerators
Training data means real-time, effective tuning to ensure accelerator precision

How do we make hydrogen fuel cells a viable reality? Electrochemistry might hold the answer

Neutron star mergers contribute to AI training models
Collaborative effort uses Laboratory simulation to train AI for scientific discovery

Los Alamos National Lab gets a perfect score on hazardous waste management
New Mexico Environment Department’s evaluation results in zero violations

Space Stories
All Space
Asteroid-sample return mission enables researchers to conduct largest geophysical observation campaign of its kind
OSIRIS-REx project has impacts in space, on the ground

New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars
Manganese-rich sandstones indicate there were once habitable conditions in the Gale Crater

New technology improves space weather monitoring
The Compact Space Plasma Analyzer monitors local space weather and provides real-time data

First hints of nuclear fission in cosmos revealed by models, observations
Fission models find clear fingerprints of nuclear process never before directly observed in stars

New research points to possible seasonal climate patterns on early Mars
The Curiosity rover finds evidence of high frequency wet-dry cycling in the Gale Crater

Designing a drone that can search for life on other planets
How a trip to the Arctic could help researchers build better tools for planetary exploration

Artificial Intelligence Stories
All Artificial Intelligence
Weapons Stories
All Weapons
Nuclear Weapons Council commemorates pit production milestone
Visit to Los Alamos National Lab highlights commitment to deterrence

Los Alamos conducts first critical experiment using high assay low enriched uranium in decades

Los Alamos team develops ‘game-changing’ approach to explosives testing
More modern method a fundamental leap forward in safety

Diamond-stamping the first plutonium pit: Lab Director Thom Mason's statement

New machine to enhance understanding of nuclear weapons’ behavior
Game-changing Scorpius accelerator will be instrumental in maintaining the nuclear stockpile
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