Los Alamos National Labs with logo 2021

Connect: New Employee and Early Career Employee Resource Group

Connect is here to serve all Lab employees, but especially those who are new to the Lab, their career, or looking for new connections!

Contact Us  

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Connect provides new and seasoned LANL employees with opportunities to create connections and to strengthen existing ones. We promote a supportive and welcoming environment to help new staff navigate life at LANL in all career paths, and encourage the participation of experienced staff looking to support newcomers in their transition to the Lab.

WHAT we do

The Connect New Employee and Early Career Employee Resource Group provides professional development programming, networking events, community gatherings and mentorships for individuals in the early stages of their careers, and welcomes those who are looking to support newcomers in their transition to the Lab. Our goal is to promote a welcoming environment to help new staff navigate the unique challenges of life at LANL. Meetings include activities and topics to foster engagement and the LANL and northern New Mexico community. 

Events will include: 

  • 'Lunch around the Lab'
  • Tours of LANL facilities
  • Informal mixers
  • Networking events

We invite all employees early in their careers to join our group, and encourage participation from more experienced professionals looking to engage. 

HOW to get involved
Anyone at the Lab is welcome to join. Please contact one of the Co-Chairs or connect-leaders@lanl.gov for more information.

Calendar of events

No events scheduled yet. Future events will be listed in a calendar on this page.