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Existing Suppliers

LANL ASM Existing Supplier Overview

Thank you for being a supplier with Los Alamos National Laboratory, the partnership we have continues to support our mission to solve national security challenges through scientific excellence by developing and applying science and technology solutions to ensure the safety, security and energy challenges.

We develop and maintain strategic supplier relationships that bring long term value to internal and external customers. Our ASM-Supplier Management group is here to answer any questions, if you can’t find the information you need in our resources page, please contact us at aribasuppliers@lanl.gov.

Planned and Open Procurement Opportunities

We seek to do business with qualified companies offering value and high-quality products and services.

Current Business Opportunities at Los Alamos

The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Planned and Open Procurement Opportunities webpage is intended to help suppliers identify potential subcontracting opportunities and to aid LANL in identifying responsible sources of suppliers. Please visit LANL's public Ariba Discovery profile for the list of active competitive business opportunities greater than $250K.

 Ariba Discovery Overview and Learning

* To respond to a posting in Discovery or add to your watch list, you must be logged in to your Ariba Network account. You will be given the opportunity to register if you do not yet have an Ariba account.
** To ask a question about the posting in Discovery you do not need to be logged in to Ariba.

Links to forecasted opportunities: DOE, other agencies and facilities:

DOE acquisition forecast  

Sandia National Laboratories' business opportunities

SAM.gov contract opportunities 


Ariba Discovery

Log Into Your Ariba Account

You can access your account by logging into Ariba. Select Business Network on the top left corner, then select Proposals and Questionnaires.

Managing Your Existing LANL Supplier Profile

You will receive annual reminders to update your LANL supplier profile within Ariba; however, it is important that your LANL profile stays up-to-date within Ariba to avoid any delays with orders or payments, this can be done at any time by following these instructions:

You can access your account by logging into Ariba. Select Business Network on the top left corner, then select Proposals and Questionnaires.

From here you can review all your questionnaire documents and make changes to the following:

  • Address change
    • Supplier Registration
  • Remit to address
    • Supplier Location Data
  • Banking information
    • EFT Authorization
  • Changes in business name or EIN

For additional resources and learning materials checkout the SAP Business Network - Supplier Learning Site


Purchase Orders and Invoicing

If you have questions on purchase orders please reach out to your LANL buyer or go to our accounts payable page for payment and invoice guidance.