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Research fosters discoveries pressing challenges

Supporting research to understand, predict and ultimately control matter and energy at the electronic, atomic, and molecular levels.

Through its research centers and core programs, the DOE Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program conducts research to understand, predict and control matter and energy at the electronic, atomic and molecular levels. This research fosters the fundamental scientific discoveries needed to meet energy, environmental and national security challenges. 

LANL’s work for BES

Los Alamos researchers lead core program in materials science, condensed matter physics, heavy-element chemistry, geoscience and biology. In addition, Los Alamos National Laboratory is home to two BES research centers:

Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT)

Our mission is to provide scientific understanding underlying nanoscale integration through the assembly of diverse materials across multiple length scales, with the ultimate goal of designing and achieving new material properties and functionalities.

Fundamental Understanding of Transport Under Reactor Extremes (FUTURE)

FUTURE is dedicated to understanding how extreme conditions of materials in nuclear reactors impact the properties of those materials.

Emergent Device Boosts Neuromorphic Computing

Artificial intelligence helps explore chemistry frontiers

Filling in the Cracks: Scientists Improve Predictions for the Dissolution of Minerals in Rock Fractures

Harnessing light-powered nanoscale electrical currents to propel emerging technologies

Research demonstrates material’s quantum topological potential

New twist on AI makes the most of sparse sensor data

Big Energy from Tiny Crystals

Connect the Dots

Research demonstrates material’s quantum topological potential

Lighting the Way for Nanotube Innovation

Advancing Understanding of Heavy Elements at the Edge of the Periodic Table

Uranium compound achieves record anomalous Nernst conductivity

New class of versatile, high-performance quantum dots primed for medical imaging, quantum computing

Lack of symmetry in qubits can't fix errors in quantum computing, but might explain matter/antimatter imbalance

The quantum butterfly non-effect

Simulating quantum 'time travel' disproves butterfly effect in quantum realm

Machine learning unearths signature of slow-slip quake origins in seismic data

Quantum time travel doesn't follow Back to the Future rules

Quantum dot solar cells get greener

Efficient, "green" quantum-dot solar cells exploit defects

Improved Catalyst Branches Out and Out-Performs

No Strain, No Gain! Breakthrough in 2D Material that Produces Single Photons

Machine fault

Novel approach lets scientists draw superconducting patterns

Opening access to explore the synthetic chemistry of neptunium

Artificial intelligence takes on earthquake prediction

Machine-learning competition boosts earthquake prediction capabilities

More stable light comes from intentionally 'squashed' quantum dots

Carbon nanotube optics poised to provide pathway to optical-based quantum cryptography and quantum computing

Researchers discover novel exciton interactions in carbon nanotubes

Tweaking quantum dots powers-up double-pane solar windows

Los Alamos Offers New Insights Into Radiation Damage Evolution

International Business Times selects Los Alamos luminescent solar concentrators as one of their "10 amazing tech innovations in 2014C

Los Alamos develops new technique for growing high-efficiency perovskite solar cells

An ordered nanomaterial from bulk processing

Atomic Armor for accelerators enables discoveries

Filling in the Cracks: Scientists Improve Predictions for the Dissolution of Minerals in Rock Fractures

Harnessing light-powered nanoscale electrical currents to propel emerging technologies

Material Sciences and Engineering Division Portfolio

  • Science of 100 Tesla
  • Towards a Universal Description of Vortex Matter in Superconductors
  • Quantum Fluctuations in Narrowband Systems
  • Integrated Modeling of Novel and Dirac Materials
  • Topological Phases of Quantum Matter & Decoherence
  • Dilatational and Shear Transformations in HCP Metals: Interfacial Defects and Collective Interactions
  • The Relationship Between Defect Kinetics and Crystalline

Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Portfolio

  • Heavy Element Chemistry
  • Nonlinear Elasticity in Rocks
  • Fracture Formation and Permeability Evolution In-situ Pressure, Temperature and Stress Conditions
  • Next Generation First Principles Molecular Dynamics
  • Photoinduced electronic Dynamics at Chemically Assembled Quantum Interfaces
  • Theory and Simulation of Ultrafast Multidimensional Nonlinear X-ray Spectroscopy of Molecules

National User Facilities

  • Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
    • Scientific Thrusts
      • Quantum Materials Systems
      • NanoPhotonics and Optical Nanomaterials
      • Soft, Bio and Composite Nanomaterials
      • In-situ Characterization and Nanomechanics

Energy Frontier Research Centers