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Performing Scientific Research in Service of the Nation

Enabling remarkable discoveries and tools that transform our understanding of energy and matter and advance national, economic, and energy security.

Through the DOE Office of Science, Los Alamos conducts long-term, national security-inspired, fundamental science.

These often high-risk/high-reward efforts enable remarkable discoveries and tools that transform our understanding of energy and matter and advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States.



R&D 100: CICE

MOSAiC Expedition (EN)

FUTURE, the Fundamental Understanding of Transport Under Reactor Extremes

Isotope Cancer Treatment Research at LANL

Department of Energy Announces $179 Million for Microelectronics Science Research Centers

Department of Energy Announces $71 Million for Research on Quantum Information Science Enabled Discoveries in High Energy Physics

New research shows hydraulic failure in the tropics is expected to increase

Allison Aiken will lead ARM mobile deployment and atmospheric research campaign

Capolungo and Fensin receive medals for excellence in materials science

Bruce Carlsten wins prestigious Wilson Prize

Los Alamos honors three for research, leadership with Fellows Prizes

Laboratory lands 2018 DOE Energy Frontier Research Center

Top young Los Alamos researchers honored with DOE Early Career Awards

Seven Los Alamos scientists, including 5 sponsored by the DOE Office of Science [Htoon (BES), Kawano (NP), Lewellen (HEP), Trugman (BES), Zapf (BES)], honored by American Physical Society as APS Fellows

Carlsten, Nguyen and Sheffield win Free-Electron Laser Prize

David L. Clark selected for 2017 Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear Chemistry

Ten Los Alamos scientists, including four sponsored by the DOE Office of Science, honored by American Physical Society

Los Alamos scientist Christopher Lee to receive DOE Office of Science Early Career Award

Laboratory Chemist selected as the 2015 recipient of the F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry.

Laboratory FES PI selected as Fellow by the APS Division of Plasmas Physics

Laboratory researcher Joel Rowland to receive 2014 DOE Early Career Award

Los Alamos Physicist Honored with 2013 E.O. Lawrence Award in  Condensed Matter and Materials Sciences

Neutron reactions and climate uncertainties earn Los Alamos scientists DOE Early Career awards

Office of Science Programs Team