
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence holds the promise of qualitatively strengthening the laboratory's support for the nation. With its deep computing and AI capabilities and central role in national security, the Laboratory is uniquely positioned to utilize and benefit from this cutting edge technology.

The Laboratory has the supercomputers, algorithms, unmatched trove of big data and skilled scientific workforce needed to make sense of the AI revolution, its implications, and its utilization for scientific discovery and national security. 

Coming to grips with frontier AI will depend on close partnerships with the private sector. Los Alamos has collaborated with industry for many years to develop technologies that meet social needs while bolstering national security. The Lab is expanding these collaborations to include analyzing AI’s opportunities, unintended consequences, and threats. Labs like Los Alamos exist precisely for this kind of national initiative

AI at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Then and Now

AI and the future of supercomputing

Super Computer Panels Lanl 20240411 Sj  3699

Los Alamos uses supercomputers for everything from climate science, to disease modeling, to DNA research, as well as other data-intensive projects. These require immense amounts of computing power and, consequently, can take a long time to execute. But Venado—the Lab’s newest supercomputer—will use AI to completely transform those models.

Venado’s AI capabilities will help speed up simulations like these and improve their resolution, which will, in turn, bolster confidence in our strategic deterrent.

There's almost no field of science that isn't being changed by AI, and nearly all of the Laboratory’s missions are using it in some capacity. Researchers at the Lab are using AI to strengthen preparation for the next pandemic, better mitigate the effects of climate change, and improve our ability to detect and guard against development of threats by potential adversaries.

Learn about the Lab's newest super computer

The National Security AI Office

Los Alamos National Laboratory recently created this Office in response to a growing recognition that AI represents a powerful foundation for progress in science and technology that will allow the laboratory to make stronger contributions to the nation. At the same time, AI poses risks that the nation will rely on the laboratory to address. The Office is responsible for: 

  • Partnering across the laboratory, with other laboratories, and with government stakeholders to develop a coherent national program aimed at mitigating risks from AI and at advancing science, technology, and security.   
  • Planning and administer institutional investments positioning the laboratory to evaluate, advance, and adopt AI for its missions.  
  • Overseeing a portfolio of strategic university partnerships – coordinated with the Partnerships and Pipelines Office - that strengthen capabilities for addressing emerging deterrence challenges.  

The Office reports jointly to the Deputy Director for Weapons and the Deputy Director for Science, Technology, and Engineering.

AI Council

In addition to founding the new National Security AI Office, the Lab has also formed the AI Council with the following goals:

  • Help the Lab wisely navigate the new era of AI
  • Garner support for new institutional investments
  • Build deeper partnerships with industry and academia
  • Act as AI ambassadors for the rest of the Lab

Co-chaired by Jason Pruet and Aric Hagberg, the council is made up of employees with different perspectives and skills sets from across the Lab

High Performance Computing

High-Performance Computing (HPC) Division manages supercomputing center operations, develops and deploys cutting-edge technologies to enable world-class current and future high-performance computing supporting national security.

Investing in the future of AI

Los Alamos has successfully applied AI technologies such as machine learning to multiple mission areas. Recognizing the accelerated breakthroughs in AI, especially in foundational models as demonstrated in natural language applications, the Laboratory is making strategic investments to harness these potentially transformative approaches. For example, the Lab has invested in Venado— its next generation computational platform optimized for AI.

Building on these capabilities and earlier investments, this Signature Institutional Commitment will ensure that the Laboratory develops extensible, domain-specific, AI models related to its mission.

By investing in these domain-specific models, the Lab will have a cutting-edge capability in AI that will then be available for use by the broader community.

Advancing Science and Security through Artificial Intelligence

Read about the Lab's Signature Institutional Commitment to AI in the Lab Agenda

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