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Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Equipment and expertise to tackle biological and chemical threats

Our Mass Spectrometry Center for Integrated ‘Omics enables comprehensive systems biology leading to advanced medical countermeasures

Scientists in the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Group (B-TEK) execute research and development to broadly address biological and chemical threats. This work includes BSL-2 host/pathogen and toxin work, synthetic organic chemistry, bioengineering, structural biology, and molecular characterization.

Our science capabilities are leading the way to predictive applications for medical countermeasures and the integration of multiple ‘omics technologies for multi-modal systems biology. Work in this group contributes to the Laboratory's Biosecurity Preparedness and Global Security objectives.

B-TEK Science and Capabilities

Scientists in Bioscience Division use novel techniques to study toxicology and the health effects of disease and climate change—as well as to develop countermeasures and therapeutics.

  • Organ platforms for toxicological studies
  • Advanced Tissue-engineered Human Ectypal Network Analyzer (ATHENA)
  • Award-winning lung model: PuLMo
  • Skin models
  • Neuromuscular junctions
  • Microfluidics and gel microdroplet technology that enable high-throughput interrogation of cell-to-cell interactions (HiSCI)
  • Therapies for enteric pathogens
  • Radioimmunotherapies for countering antimicrobial resistance

Read more about recent MPS work:

Identifying biomarkers of radiation exposure

Growing neuromuscular junctions

B-TEK scientists use classical biochemistry methods combined with NMR and Mass Spectrometry-based approaches to study enzymes, regulation, as well as the discovery of novel enzyme effectors and therapeutic molecules.

  • LANL has hosted a Stable Isotope Resource since 1974
    • Synthesis of all classes of chemical compounds
    • Stable isotope labels for tracing, detection,  attribution, and mechanistic studies
  • In-cell biosensor development 
  • Chemical catalysis and conversion for drop-in fuels and commodity chemicals
  • Enzyme function discovery and detection
  • Peptoid foldamer development
  • Small molecule synthesis

Los Alamos has a secure facility in which we can synthesize and characterize acutely toxic, regulated materials. The Emerging Threat Lab also includes a BSL-2 suite that can be used to study these agents and emerging pathogens. Our synthesis capabilities are ‘on demand’ which minimizes safety risks. 

Recognized as a leader in genomic sequencing and analysis for decades, the Los Alamos capability now spans all ‘omics research to study proteins, metabolites, and lipids. By combining techniques in genomics and mass spectrometry, B-Division is working towards a true systems-level characterization of biological organisms.

The collection of equipment available at Los Alamos combined with our experience and expertise using mass spectrometry enables a wide range of research endeavors.

  • Targeted and untargeted metabolomics
  • Targeted and shotgun proteomics
  • Lipidomics

State-of-the-art mass spectrometers available:

  • Thermo Fisher Orbitrap Eclipse
  • Thermo Fisher exploris 480
  • Thermo Fisher Altis QQQ
  • Thermo Fisher QE
  • Additional instrumentation available

For more information email BTEKOmics@lanl.gov

The laboratories in B-TEK are equipped with several NMR spectrometers, ranging from 300-700 MHz. In addition, our scientists have developed unique, portable, ultra-low magnetic field platforms for chemical threat detection and characterization.

Recent innovations using low-field NMR have been recipients of R&D 100 awards. Learn more about SEDONA and ERDE.

B Division uses basic science and molecular tool development to understand host and pathogen interactions for detection and the discovery of novel therapeutics.

  • Bacterial persistence: a pathogen’s strategy to circumvent antibiotic treatment
  • Molecular tools for novel therapeutics discovery
  • Novel in vitro methods to generate high-quality affinity reagents

Read more about recent work to generate antibodies that recognize SARS-CoV-2

News and Highlights