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Advanced Research in Cyber Systems

Reaching Beyond Kinetic Threats

We develop, train with and utilize tools to protect, analyze, detect and monitor cyber threats from the complete spectrum of adversaries.

The Advanced Research in Cyber Systems (A-4) group solves hard problems in multiple research areas and their intersections – including security, artificial intelligence, persistent cyber threats, and critical infrastructure.

  • AI Assurance

    Capabilities in: Depth Completion on Autonomous Vehicles using sparse coding, Detecting Deepfakes and other generated media, Evaluating the Adversarial Robustness of Energy-Based Models, Defense against Model Inversion Attacks, and Robust Audio Classification using Multi-layer Neural Networks.

  • Assured Computing/Computational Integrity

    Capabilities include: Quantum Key Distribution, Cryptographically Robust and Assured AI/ML, Cryptographic Structure of Optical Physical Unclonable Functions, and Authenticating Internet Routing Using Zero-knowledge Proofs.

  • Secure Systems

    Secure System Composition and Type Checking using Cryptographic Proofs Simultaneous Classification of Malware, Malware Families, and Novel Malware General-Purpose Unsupervised Cyber Anomaly Detection Electrical Grid Anomaly Detection in Smart Power Grids Evaluate Network Resiliency via Adversarial Abstraction Accelerated Network Environments for AI Cyber Arms Races

  • Lead DOE Cyberfire Incident Response Training Program

    The DOE Cyberfire Incident Response Training Program takes the lead in equipping professionals with the skills necessary to handle cybersecurity incidents effectively. This program focuses on empowering individuals to respond efficiently to cyber threats within the Department of Energy.

  • Infrastructure Support

    We develop, administer, maintain and support highly customized data systems on multiple networks for the Nuclear Emergency Support Team, Intelligence community, and related programs.

Refined Research

Dive into research opportunities in machine learning, deepfake detection, new generation power grids and more.