
Theoretical Biology and Biophysics

Basic and applied science supporting the National need.

We focus on the mathematical modeling of biological system and computational analysis and of cellular and molecular biology

Theoretical Biology and Biophysics integrates biomolecular, evolutionary, and systems level models to provide solutions to complex problems in the biological sciences, primarily in infectious disease,  including a broad spectrum of biological sciences.


  1. Evolutionary Analysis — We primarily investigate evolutionary pressures influencing viral evolution, and also examine host response to malaria, metagenomic data processing, antibiotic resistence, cell signaling, and genome wide association studies. Applications include diagnositc and vaccine design and understanding disease spread and emerging antimicrobial resistance.
  2. Structural biology and cell signaling — We develope structural modeling techniques, constrained by x-ray, cryo-EM, and mutational experiments, pathway models (bionetgen), and high performance simulation techniques and many techniques in between to the problem of constraining biological systems through understanding of molecular interactions.
  3. Models of disease and epidemiology — We produce models of disease spread at the cellular, organism, and population levels to investigate and understand disease and evolution of pathogens.