
Computer, Computational, and Statistical Sciences

Computational physics, computer science, applied mathematics, statistics and the integration of large data streams are central to scientific discovery and innovation.


The Computer, Computational, and Statistical Sciences (CCS) Division strengthens the visibility and impact of computer science and computational physics research for the strategic directions at the Laboratory.

Solving national problems through basic and applied research in key areas of

  • Climate and Energy programs
  • Basic science and technology research programs
  • Threat reduction and Department of Homeland Security programs
  • Nuclear weapons program
  • Information science and technology

Scientific activities are focused on:

  • Computational multiphysics and numerical modeling
  • Data-driven modeling and informatics
  • Computer and computational science
  • Computational co-design
  • Computational astrophysics
  • Comprehensible and incomprehensible fluids and hydrodynamics in complex flows
  • Data science at scale
  • Information science and technology
  • Computational biology and bioinformatics
  • Statistical sciences
  • Nuclear engineering and technology
  • High energy density plasmas and warm dense matter
  • Computational physics and applied math
  • Data analysis and uncertainty quantification

We support, basic science and energy Research, DOE Defense Programs, DOE Nuclear Energy, DOE Office of Science, Homeland Security Programs, Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC), Nuclear Non-proliferation and Security, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) among others. 

  • Applied Computer Science

    Innovative co-design of applications, algorithms, and architectures in order to enable scientific simulations at extreme scale

  • Computational Physics and Methods

    Performing innovative simulations of physics phenomena on tomorrow's scientific computing platforms

  • Information Sciences

    Uncovering actionable knowledge and generating insight into exascale datasets from heterogeneous sources in real time

  • Statistical Sciences

    Statistical scientific expertise serving our nation, engaging in research, development, and collaborative application of statistical methods.

  • Parallel Computing Summer Workshop

    The Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship is an intense 10-week program aimed at providing students with a solid foundation in modern high performance computing (HPC) topics integrated with research on real problems encountered in large-scale scientific codes. Students will collaborate in teams to identify and investigate different computational problems and implement solutions with guidance from mentors with scientific and computational expertise.

  • Data Science at Scale

    The Data Science School studies topics in data science as relevant to the Los Alamos National Laboratory mission. A key focus is on visualization and data analysis. Each student is assigned an individual project and a mentor. Students attend lectures.

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