
Postdoc Program Events

The Postdoc Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory believes intentional programming and event participation is an important part of career development. Below are a few of the events our office organizes to benefit the postdocs at the Laboratory and enhance their experience as researchers.

Internal Programmatic Fair

The Internal Programmatic Fair is a networking event that allows Laboratory postdocs to learn more about the goals and projects of different organizations around the Lab outside of their current group.

Internal Career Fair

The Internal Career Fair provides an opportunity for staff and management from organizations throughout the Lab to connect and share with Laboratory postdocs about their hiring needs.

Science in 3

Science in 3 is a dynamic career development event, where postdocs are provided the opportunity to present their research to a general audience in three minutes or less, challenging them to give a clear and concise presentation. The presentations are evaluated on how well the postdocs engage the audience, how clearly they communicate key concepts, and how effectively they focus and present their ideas.

Postdoc Appreciation Week

Postdoc Appreciation Week is a week of fun and free events for Laboratory postdocs and their mentors to recognize and appreciate the postdocs for their hard work and contributions to the Lab community.

Rio Grande Slam

The Rio Grande Slam is a competition where postdocs from Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and the Air Force Research Laboratory present their research in 3 minutes or less to a general audience.

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