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Regional Purchasing

LANL is committed to building a strong supplier base with Northern New Mexico businesses and the local Native American pueblos in the purchases of goods and services. Regional Purchasing Program gives regional small businesses in NNM (which includes the eight regional Pueblos) preference for subcontract awards.

We seek out and utilize known Northern New Mexico business as suppliers. The Northern New Mexico counties included are:

  • Los Alamos
  • Santa Fe
  • Rio Arriba
  • Taos
  • Mora
  • San Miguel
  • Sandoval

The eight regional pueblos included are:

  • Nambe
  • Ohkay Owingeh (formerly known as San Juan)
  • Picuris
  • Pojoaque
  • San Ildefonso
  • Santa Clara
  • Taos
  • Tesuque