Los Alamos leverages the science and technology needed for its core mission to explore new solutions to challenges facing, many DOE program offices, including, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM), Office of Electricity (OE), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), and The Advanced Research Programs Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The Science Program Office of Applied Energy (SPO-AE) coordinates the portfolio of R&D in this area, serving as the Lab's interface between applied-energy stakeholders and LANL's broad scientific and engineering base.
Los Alamos has a history of using its core capabilities to support DOE’s energy mission, a symbiotic relationship that has contributed innovative solutions to energy, while enriching the technical base Los Alamos needs to achieve its mission. Examples of this synergy include research in fuel-cells biosciences, the energy grid, and subsurface fossil and geothermal resources.
National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP)
DOE Sponsors
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy ARPA-E
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy EEREAdvanced Manufacturing (AMO)
- Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO)
- Building Technologies Office (BTO)
- Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO)
- Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO)
- Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO)
- Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO)
- Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Other Sponsors
US Department of Agriculture USDA
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) – Melissa Fox
Advanced Manufacturing (EERE) – Melissa Fox
Bioenergy Technologies (EERE) – Sheila Van Cuyk
Biofuels and Bio Products – Sheila Van Cuyk
Building Technologies (EERE) – Melissa Fox
DOI projects (DOI) – Melissa Fox
DOT projects (DOE) – Melissa Fox
Extreme Environment Materials – Marianne Francois
Fuel Cell Technologies (EERE) – Rodney (Rod) Borup
Fuel Cell Technology for Transportation – Rodney (Rod) Borup
Geothermal Technologies (EERE) – Kevin John
Fossil Energy (FE) – Kevin John
Grid Science – Russell Bent
Office of Electricity (OE) – Russell Bent
Solar Energy Technologies (EERE) – Andrea Maestas
Subsurface Energy – Kevin John
USDA projects (USDA) – Melissa Fox
Vehicle Technologies (EERE) – Rodney (Rod) Borup
Wind Energy Technologies (EERE) – Andrea Maestas
Proposal Process for all above – Andrea Maestas
R&D 100 Awards
IAGE Outstanding Researcher Award
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Postdoctoral Recognition Award
- Chung Hyuk Lee
- Honorable mention, Katie H. Lim
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