Guidance for Submitting Best Practices
Submitting a Best Practice for Consideration
To identify, evaluate and prepare "Best Practices" for dissemination throughout the DOE Complex, the Department of Energy and the Center of Excellence has established a protocol for processing candidates. The first step in this process is to determine if the proposed Best Practice would be suitable for submission for complex wide application.
Answer the following questions: Yes No
Is the practice proven through successful implementation and use?
Does the practice have broad applicability across the Complex as opposed to being more specific to one site?
- Can the conditions needed for adoption by others be adequately defined?
- Can the benefits and value be clearly and quantitatively defined?
- Can the cost and resource expectations (needs) for adoption be sufficiently defined?
- Can or does the proposing site have senior management support to share the "Best Practice"? Is the proposing site willing to mentor adopting sites?
- Can a recommended implementation scenario and support structure be properly defined?
Can the "Best Practice" be categorized in one or more of the ISM Core Functions and Guiding Principles?
If you answered "YES" to all of the above questions, the next step is to prepare an abstract of the candidate "Best Practice" that contains the following information:
- A descriptive title of the "Best Practice," the contractor site where the practice is applied, and the name and position of a personal contact (subject matter expert) who can provide further information on the candidate practice;
- The relationship between the "Best Practice" and selected ISM Core Functions and Guiding Principles;
- The attributes of the "Best Practice," i.e., what is it or what does it do and how well does it do the features cited;
- The implementation experience and status, demonstrating the "Best Practice" is a proven candidate; and
- The name and contact information of the person submitting the candidate "Best Practice," if different than the subject matter expert, with evidence of organizational authorization to communicate the "Best Practice."
- Prepared abstracts should be submitted to contacts listed below.
Submit abstracts for candidate "Best Practices" to Lloyd Gordon.
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