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Employee Concerns Program

Employee Concerns Program

LANL established an Employee Concerns Program (ECP) to provide Laboratory employees and subcontractors with a mechanism to report employee concerns without fear of retaliation and to have those concerns addressed through an independent, objective evaluation.

An employee concern is a good faith report of improper activity or of a situation that constitutes a threat to security, health, safety, the environment, or quality. Employee concerns can address issues such as environment, safety, health, and quality; fraud, waste, and abuse; safeguards and security; harassment; discrimination; workplace violence; and violation of law or policy.

Employees who wish their identities to remain confidential must make this known during the initial written or verbal submission of the concern. The ECP will protect an employee's confidentiality, when requested, to the extent practicable, as permitted by law.



  1. Employee Concerns 24-Hour Hotline (844-537-9524) or Website
  2. Call EA-Ethics: 505-667-7506
  3. Send email to:
  4. Send a written concern to MS D449, Attention: ECP
  5. Meet in person with Ethics & Compliance Specialist at TA-00, Bldg. 798, Room 2001 (1911 Central Avenue, 2nd floor, entrance on the end of the building across from Ashley Pond)