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Information for planning your trip

Transportation to Los Alamos, New Mexico

Nearest Airports

Albuquerque Sunport airport (ABQ), is the major air terminal and is located 75 miles (121kilometers) from Los Alamos. Santa Fe airport (SAF), is a smaller airport and it is located 30 miles (48 kilometers) away from Los Alamos.

Albuquerque to Los Alamos map

Ground Transportation

Renting a car is highly recommended although other options are available to reach Los Alamos from Albuquerque or Santa Fe.

  • Car: You can rent a car at both the Albuquerque airport and Santa Fe airport.
  • Rail Service: You can take the train from Albuquerque to Santa Fe and then connect at the Park and Ride for bus service to Los Alamos.
  • Shuttle Services: Sandia Shuttle Express offers service from Albuquerque to Santa Fe, then connect at the Park and Ride for bus service to Los Alamos. For a schedule or to make a reservation visit their website or call 1-888-775-5696.
  • Taxi services like Uber and Lift may also be available upon request.

Other Information for LANL Visitors


Visitors must obtain a LANL visitor badge in order to access the facility where the training courses are held, and must wear it at all times while on Laboratory properties.

The Badge Office is conveniently located at the center of TA-03 on Casa Grande Drive, lodged in the Otowi Building on the second floor (TA-3, Building 261).

In order to get to the Badge Office, you will need to present a photo ID at the guard station located just after the intersection of Diamond Drive and Jemez Road. 

Badge Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 7:00 am – 3:30 pm
Wednesday: Closed 11:30 am - 1 pm
Friday: Closed 12:00 pm - 1 pm

The following documentation must be provided:

  • US visitors must provide a US passport or birth certificate and a valid driver’s license or government issued photo ID.
  • Foreign Visitors must provide a photo ID, valid passport, and visa documentation.

If you have an HSPD-12 badge and have been put into the LANL badge reader system within the last year, you do not need to visit the Badge Office.

If you possess a standard federal Q/L cleared HSPD-12 badge that has been issued by DOE, please bring it with you to the badge office along with another form of photo identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.).  You will need to be placed on the LANL badge reader in order to have unescorted access at the training facility. If you do not have a Q/L cleared HSPD-12 badge, or have a standard badge that was issued by a different government agency, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can prepare the required paperwork for badging. Please note that we cannot accept uncleared HSPD-12 badges. The only reciprocal badge that is accepted by LANL is the Q/L cleared HSPD-12. Persons that do not hold a Q/L cleared HSPD-12 will be issued a visitor badge.


At no time are personal laptops allowed to connect to the LANL network.

Cell phones are allowed some places but not others. Ask your host.

ALL Photography on LANL property is prohibited. Please refrain from taking photographs or videos while on the laboratory property. This includes any type of video communication.

Tag all your purses and backpacks: unattended purses, luggage or bags will be confiscated and destroyed. A label will be provided on the first day of class.

Prohibited Items on LANL Site

The following articles are prohibited and must not be brought on Laboratory property:

  • Nongovernment-owned firearms;
  • Any dangerous weapons, explosives, or other dangerous instrument or material likely to cause substantial injury or damage to persons or property;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Controlled substances (e.g., illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia, but not prescription medicine); and
  • Other items prohibited by law.

LANL map

LANL Badge Office map

Typical Course Schedule

Advanced Gamma NDA, Advanced Neutron NDA, Fundamentals of NDA:

4.5 days, Monday-Thursday 8.30am-5.00pm & Friday 8.30am-12.00pm

Plutonium Calorimetric Assay

3 days, Tuesday-Thursday 8.30am-5.00pm

Statistical Concepts in Nuclear Safeguards

2.5 days, Tuesday-Wednesday 8.30am-5.00pm & Thursday 8.30am-12.00pm

Courses will met at 8.30am at TA-66, Bldg 1, Conference Room A101.

A schedule will be provided on the first day of the course. Coffee, tea, and water will be available during the morning and afternoon breaks.  An option for attending a no-host lunch at the training site will be provided for all students. The anticipated cost for these lunches will be approximately $5-10/person. The money will be collected on the day the lunch is served.

We will be entering into the laboratory to perform some measurements. For safety purposes, please be sure to wear closed toe shoes.