Radiological Control Technicians (RCTs) make decisions that protect worker and public safety, national security, and the environment, while ensuring the success of mission-critical work.

RCT Recruitment
RCTs Protect Workers, the Public, and the Environment
Who we are
The Best & Brightest
RCTs specialize in calculating radiological dose and monitor radioactive and hazardous materials. They are essential to the success of the Laboratory. Recruiting and retaining the best and brightest RCTs is a top priority at Los Alamos.
The RCT Experience
RCTs are highly skilled and highly valued at the Laboratory. The role of the RCTs is critical in ensuring that the Laboratory can achieve its mission while keeping radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
Endless Opportunities
LANL careers offers competitive salaries and benefits packages. Our national security science mission is more important than ever. Our goal is to attract top scientific talent and provide the tools to succeed. RCTs are important to the success of our efforts. See our latest job openings here.
Our Mission
To inspire the best talent that performs at the highest level, deliver mission success through operational effectiveness and scientific excellence, and protect our people and our nation’s secrets.

"Since arriving, taking part in several classified projects has been the ride of a lifetime. Service, integrity, teamwork, and excellence are just some of the core values that make working at LANL exceptional.” -James Harper, HPFC, Former USN
Our Work Culture
The groundbreaking science at the root of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s (LANL) mission relies on experts trained to protect the safety and health of the workforce and the public, as well as the environment. Radiological control technicians (RCTs) play a vital role in helping the Laboratory fulfill its national security mission.
Organization Highlights
The Laboratory is an icon for its research and development, much of which includes the use of radioactive and hazardous materials and requires trained and skilled radiological control technicians.
The future is filled with promise. All Laboratory programs are built on our scientific infrastructure, with a focus on attracting and retaining top scientific talent and providing them the tools to succeed.
Key Projects
Our national security science mission is more important than ever. RCTs are important to the success of our efforts. Key projects include:
Perform glove box work at the Plutonium Facility–Weapons Program
Work with medical isotopes
Participate in decontamination & decommissioning of older facilities
Lead efforts in major cleanups and removal of radioactive waste and contaminated structures
“Becoming a LANL RCT provided me the opportunity for a smooth transition separating from the US Navy in what can be a very stressful time. ” -James Harper, HPFC, Former USN

Who We are Looking For

If you have a knack for math and are looking for career growth, the RCT field may be the place for you. The Laboratory currently employs more than 120 RCTs and is seeking this specialized and critical skill set to continue its mission work. To ensure proper training and staffing, the Laboratory hires RCTs with various levels of experience
- Associate Degree in Radiation Protection (preferred)
- RCT certificate (desirable)
- Formal education in math including Algebra
- Proficient skills in computer applications for recording of information or data
- Experience with databases/other information management systems
- Experience working in multi-disciplinary teams
- Experience working in challenging work environments
Don’t Have the Experience?
The Laboratory provides continuing education support for new hires without prior RCT experience. RCTs receive on-the-job training for relevant instruments and procedures.
Endless Opportunities
The Lab offers competitive salaries and benefits packages. Our national security science mission is more important than ever. Our goal is to attract top scientific talent and provide the tools to succeed. RCTs are important to the success of our efforts

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RCT Recruitment