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Material and component characterization under dynamic conditions

Focusing on radiography experiments and operations utilizing the Proton Radiography (pRad) facility at LANSCE

For a single experiment, the Proton Radiography (pRad) facility is able to make multiple images over time to form a time-lapse movie that illuminates ultra-fast phenomena. This capability is used to study shocked materials and other dynamic processes.  The development of imaging proton radiography is the direct result of the synergy between the Lab’s national security and basic science missions, supporting the Lab’s defense programs and providing for fundamental discoveries.  Dynamic material experiments are also supported across a number of facilities including the Nevada National Security Site, the National Ignition Facility, the Special Technologies Laboratory, and firing sites across the lab.  The LEGEND-200 experiment searching for the rare process of neutrinoless double-beta decay is also a primary focus in our efforts to study the properties of the neutrino.


The Advanced Imaging team develops neutron imaging systems for NIF (National Ignition Facility at LLNL) and other facilities (for example Omega at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) at the University of Rochester), performs 3D neutron and gamma imaging analysis, and develops, supports, and executes other related diagnostics.

The Radiography Experiments and Operations team operates the Proton Radiography (pRad) facility at LANSCE studying materials under dynamic conditions.  In addition, the team is working on returning the capability to perform experiments with small quantities of plutonium (Pu@pRad) as well as the use of medium-energy x-ray radiography for future experiments in support of the lab’s stockpile stewardship mission. 

The Radiographic Science and Analysis team works to improve the radiographic information provided to customers from a variety of radiographic platforms in the complex. The team does this through a variety of means: maintaining the current capability for radiographic analysis, looking for ways to improve the analysis through acquiring fundamental data about aspects of the radiographic measurement like scatter, blur, and noise, and by investigating and implementing new techniques and algorithms for analysis.

The Dynamic Experiment Support team concentrates technical fielding, electrical safety expertise, and security in a team to support many of the needs for design, fabrication, and fielding support.

The Weak Interactions team develops experiments to answer questions about the most basic nature of matter in our universe in extremely low-background experiments. The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR experiment is actively searching for as-yet unobserved neutrinoless double beta decay in germanium. The LEGEND experiment is currently being constructed to push the search even further with a much larger detector.


P-1 operates the proton radiography (pRad) facility at LANSCE.