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Mechanical Design Engineering

Supporting operations for LANSCE beam-delivery complex

The Mechanical Design Engineering (AOT-MDE) Group supports operations for the LANSCE beam-delivery complex, which includes the accelerator, Proton Storage Ring (PSR), and associated beam-transfer lines. (These lines provide the proton beam to the Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center, Weapons Neutron Research Facility, Proton Radiography (PRAD), and Isotope Production Facility.)

The group is responsible for the mechanical systems in the accelerator, the PSR, and the associated transfer lines. We also have a major responsibility to support operation of the ion sources, Linac systems, PSR, beam-transfer lines, beam diagnostics, and experiments at the Lujan Center. To this end, AOT-MDE teams with the other AOT groups to design and implement new capabilities throughout the machine.

Mechanical Design Engineering also provides the mechanical technologies to produce accelerator systems for projects at Los Alamos and for applications of national importance. The group performs technology development to advance accelerator engineering design and analysis. The group can design and build small electron and proton linear accelerators for a variety of applications.


Mechanical Design Engineering provides the following support to Laboratory organizations and facilities located at TA-53, particularly the LANSCE beam-delivery complex:

  • accelerator operations, maintenance, and performance improvement
  • fabrication activities
  • maintaining and developing capabilities and equipment for accelerator and target technologies
  • laser tracker operations for precision alignment and geometric measurements
  • vacuum leak checking and vacuum system troubleshooting
  • mechanical design capabilities both and engineering and computer aided design (CAD)
  • magnet coil fabrication and testing
  • high power accelerator target design and engineering