Eml Marquee 1920x800 Sem

Apreo S, Apreo 2 S, and Inspect F SEMs


A versatile family of SEMs for imaging (surface, phase, channeling, and STEM), x-ray microanalysis, and electron backscatter diffraction of a wide range of materials.

The Apreo and Apreo 2 are versatile high-resolution SEMs ideal for imaging a wide range of materials with sub-nanometer resolution.  These microscopes both include a compound lens system (electrostatic + immersion). The state-of-the-art electron columns paired with a number of detectors ensure excellent resolution and contrast across a range of conditions. Low kV mode operations can be performed with incredible accuracy and ease, unlocking a number of applications for non-conductive and beam sensitive materials.  Low vacuum mode enables high current techniques (i.e. EBSD and EDS) of non-conductive or poorly grounded samples.  

The Apreo microscopes are both equipped with high-speed CMOS based EBSD cameras and modern EDS systems allowing for rapid collection of EBSD, TKD, and EDS datasets. Updated software allows for a new level of process automation, ensuring that users can get maximum data with minimal effort.  Collaborations with other LANL groups provide for additional in situ testing capabilities within the SEMs including in situ straining.

Specs, capabilities:

ThermoFisher Apreo S SEM 

Equipped for imaging, x-ray microanalysis (surface and STEM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD and TKD)

  • Schottky-based field-emission electron source with compound electrostatic-magnetic final lens provides 0.8nm resolution at 30keV (STEM) and 0.8 nm at 500V.
  • Charge free imaging of insulating samples
  • Low vacuum mode: 10 – 500 Pa chamber pressure
  • Backscatter/channeling contrast imaging even at low kV
  • EDAX APEX Integrated EDS-EBSD with Octane Elite-25 EDS Detector and Velocity Super CMOS EBSD camera
  • EDAX energy dispersive x-ray system with Octane Elite detector with point, line, and mapping analysis.
  • EDAX high-speed orientation imaging Velocity Super CMOS camera system for collecting and analyzing EBSD patterns to determine sample phases, orientation distributions, textures, twins and grain boundaries, grain size distributions, etc.
  • Nav-Cam+
  • 20eV-30keV landing energy range
  • Beam deceleration from -4000V to +600 V
  • Large Cha5-axis motorized eucentric stage, 110 x 110 mm2 with a 105° tilt range. Maximum sample weight: 5 kg in un-tilted position.

ThermoFisher Apreo 2 S SEM

Thermo Fisher Apreo S Sem
Thermo Fisher Apreo S Sem
  • Cathodoluminescence detector describes the emission of light from a material when it is excited by the electron beam.
  • Pivotbeam mode for more straightforward ECCI imaging.
  • Schottky-based field-emission electron source with compound electrostatic-magnetic final lens provides 0.8nm resolution at 30keV (STEM), 1. nm at 100V.
  • Charge free imaging of insulating samples
  • Low vacuum mode: 10 – 500 Pa chamber pressure
  • Backscatter/channeling contrast imaging even at low kV
  • Oxford Aztec Integrated EDS-EBSD with some kind of EDS Detector and Symmetry CMOS EBSD camera 
  • Oxford energy dispersive x-ray system with some kind of detector with point, line and mapping analysis.
  • Oxford high-speed orientation imaging Symmetry CMOS camera system for collecting and analyzing EBSD patterns to determine sample phases, orientation distributions, textures, twins and grain boundaries, grain size distributions, etc.
  • Cathodoluminescence detector describes the emission of light from a material when it is excited by the electron beam.
  • Nav-Cam+
  • 20eV-30kEv landing energy range
  • Beam deceleration from -4000V to +600 V
  • Large Chamber 5-axis motorized eucentric stage, 110 x 110 mm2 with a 105° tilt range. Maximum sample weight: 5 kg in un-tilted position.

ThermoFisher Inspect F SEM 

  • Schottky-based field-emission electron source 1.4 nm resolution at 30keV (STEM)
  • Backscatter/channeling contrast imaging
  • EDAX APEX Integrated EDS-EBSD with Octane Elite-25 EDS Detector and Hikari Super EBSD camera
  • EDAX energy dispersive x-ray system with Octane Elite detector with point, line, and mapping analysis.
  • EDAX high-speed orientation imaging Hikari Super camera system for collecting and analyzing EBSD patterns to determine sample phases, orientation distributions, textures, twins and grain boundaries, grain size distributions, etc.
  • 200eV-30kEv landing energy range
  • Beam deceleration from -4000V to +600 V
  • Large Cha5-axis motorized eucentric stage, 50 x 50 mm2 with a 75° tilt range. Maximum sample weight: 5 kg in un-tilted position.