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Helios Nanolab 600 DualBeam SEM/FIB


The ThermoFisher Helios Nanolab 600 DualBeam SEM/FIB is a workhorse for many FIB operations at LANL. The system, which encorporates a Ga ion beam coincident with an excellent electron beam, is ideal for standard trenching & milling and preparation of TEM lamellae and micromechanical test specimens. Additionally, this FIB system is rated for FIB preparation of radiological materials.

The Helios Nanolab FIB is the original dual-beam FIB system in the EML, allowing for preparation of quality site-specific samples at the micro- and nanoscale. A state-of-the-art electron column pairs with a number of detectors to ensure excellent imaging across a range of conditions. Low kV operations unlock a number of applications, from low-damage milling/polishing to imaging of  non-conductive or beam sensitive materials. The Ga beam is excellent for standard milling, trenching, and thinning operations.  A series of gas injection systems enable depositions with C, Pt, or W for protective layers, tacking operations, or conductive pads.

The OmniProbe nanomanipulator offers a straight-forward  method for in-situ lift outs of TEM lamellae. The microscope is equipped with EBSD and EDS systems as well, allowing for collection of crystallographic and chemical data.  Additionally, this FIB system is rated for radiological materials, making it the go-to for preparation of rad samples via FIB within the EML. 

Specs, capabilities:

Electron Source: Schottky FEG

  • Landing Voltage: 500V to 30kV
  • 0.9 nm resolution at optimal conditions

Ion Source: Ga LMIS 

  • Landing Voltage: 500V to 30kV
  • 5 nm resolution at coincident point

Detectors (type):

  • SEM ETD (secondary e-’s)
  • SEM TLD (secondary or backscattered)
  • STEM-III (bright field/dark field transmitted)
  • CDEM (secondary electron/ion)
  • EDAX EBSD and EDS systems for 3D mapping

Gas Delivery: Discrete C, Pt, and W Gas Injection Systems

OmniProbe nanomanipulator for integrated chunk and lamella lift

Charge Neutralizer for non-conductive samples

Vacuum transfer system for processing of samples directly from glovebox environments without exposure to atmosphere


  • IFast Developers Kit for automated routines
  • Auto Slice&View and EBS3/EDS3 for automated serial sectioning/chemical mapping
  • AutoTEM for automated preparation of TEM lamellae