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Detonator Production

Fabrication through Innovation

Detonator Production has been essential to Los Alamos National Laboratory since the Lab’s inception during World War II.

From the first atomic bomb developed as part of the Manhattan Project to the modern devices at the ready aboard America’s fleet, we have manufactured initiation devices to support the safest and most reliable nuclear stockpile in the world.

As a key contributor to the Lab’s national security mission, Detonator Production embraces emerging technologies, embodies continuous improvement, and demands stellar quality. We do it not only because our nation demands the rigor, but also because we are passionate about our work. And that shared passion drives us to be the best.

Our spirit of collaboration permeates every aspect of Detonator Production. We work together to identify opportunities for improvement, generate solutions, and implement strategies to bolster efficiency and effectiveness. We prioritize people and strive to establish trust. We are Detonator Production.

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