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Meet Kane Bennett


Kane is a Research Scientist on the Geomechanics Team in the National Security Earth Science Group of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division (EES-17). His expertise is in theoretical and computational mechanics, especially in developing theory and algorithms for modeling of porous and granular materials (geomaterials) within numerical simulation codes.

Kane has been working at LANL for the past ~8 years, where his research has been focused on multiscale and multiphysics modeling of geomaterials and other manufactured porous/granular materials such as high explosives. He received his PhD from Stanford University in 2016 in the field of computational geomechanics, and his M.S. Eng. in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts in 2011. He has also 10+ years’ professional experience prior to that working in the design-build construction industry.

His current research interests are especially in modeling the dynamic response of geomaterials, developing novel machine learning strategies for overcoming long standing problems in geomechanics, and developing numerical methods for tractable multiscale/multiphysics modeling in complex system simulations.



  • Multiscale modeling of damage and induced anisotropy in geomaterials
  • Multiphysics modeling of geomaterials including equations of state
  • Dynamic response of geomaterials and multiphase modeling
  • Machine learning in material modeling
  • Higher-order methods such as Micromorphic continua
  • Numerical methods in computational geomechanics