Nsis Publications@2x Opt

CNSIS Publications

Navigate Nuclear Policy, Security, and Global Dynamics

Exploring the intricate landscape of nuclear policy and security, this collection of publications offers a comprehensive journey through historical reflections, current challenges, and future prospects in the realm of atomic energy and nuclear capabilities.

CNSIS Publications

Book 9

The International Atomic Energy Agency: Historical Reflections, Current Challenges, and Future Prospects 2022;

Book Title Unavailble

Framing the Relationship Between Trade Wars and Nuclear Escalation Dynamics: The Value of Applying Lessons from Hostile Economics, Survival Journal, 2021 – Sam Baty

Book 1

A World without the NPT Redux?, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 2020

Book 5

Nuclear Latency and Hedging: Concepts, History, and Issues, Woodrow WilsonCenter, 2019

7 Card

Atoms for Peace: A Future After Fifty Years, Routledge, 2007

Book 3

What is old is new again: nuclear capabilities still matter

“What is old is new again: nuclear capabilities still matter – and will for a long time to come pages 130-145; Strategic latency: Red, white, and blue: managing the national and international security consequences of disruptive technologies. Zachery S. Davis and Michael Nacht CGSR 2018.

Book 7

Atoms for Peace: An Analysis After 30 Years, Routledge, 2020

Book 6

The Politics of Weapons Inspections: Assessing WMD Monitoring and Verification Regimes, Stanford University Press, 2017