American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
Rangachary Mukundan
Mukundan was honored for seminal contributions to the development of mixed potential electrochemical sensors and the development of accelerated stress tests for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
Sergei Tretiak
Tretiak was honored for distinguished contributions to the field of computational and theoretical chemical physics, especially for optical materials for next-generation energy systems, electronic properties of molecular structures and optoelectronics of low-dimensional materials.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
Stosh Kozimor
Kozimor was honored for seminal contributions that have advanced fundamental science and solved applied problems in heavy-element chemistry, separations, isotope production and national security.
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
Tanja Pietrass
Pietrass was honored for distinguished leadership in academe and government and at Los Alamos National Laboratory, developing and implementing strategic goals while ensuring a respectful and inclusive work environment.
American Nuclear Society Mishima Award
David Andersson
Andersson was presented with this year's Mishima Award for R&D work in the areas of nuclear fuel and materials.
American Physical Society Fellow
Mary Hockaday
Hockaday was named fellow for essential contributions to national security science and international scientific collaboration, leadership in fostering dialogue among diverse technical and policy communities, and promotion of equity and inclusion, especially for women in physics.
American Physical Society Fellow
Nicole Lloyd-Ronning
Lloyd-Ronning was named fellow for the development and work on a broad set of outreach programs introducing STEM science to students from elementary to undergraduate schools and tireless efforts to affect institutional change, working toward a more inclusive, diverse and equitable STEM work environment.
American Physical Society Fellow
Rolando Somma
Somma was named fellow for outstanding theoretical contributions to quantum computing, in particular the development of quantum algorithms for quantum simulation.
American Physical Society John Wheatley Award
James Gubernatis
Gubernatis earned the award “for ongoing commitment to developing physics in Africa through initiating the African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications and leadership in bringing together African physicists from across the continent to create a Pan-African physics communication vehicle.”
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow
Marianne Francois
Francois was nominated for significant contributions in research and leadership.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow
Michael Pettes
Pettes was recognized for his contributions to strain and defect engineering and for his service and leadership in mechanical engineering.
American Welding Society Fellow
Patrick Hochanadel
Hochanadel was recognized for "a career of significant achievements in the technical and research arenas that has enhanced the image and impact of the welding industry."
ASM International Silver Medal
Clarissa Yablinski
Yablinski was honored for excellence in materials research and development supporting the nuclear deterrent and advanced nuclear energy and tireless volunteerism for the profession and STEM outreach.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow
Brendt Wohlberg
Wohlberg was selected for his significant contributions to sparse representations include the development of new algorithms and methods for the convolutional form of sparse representations and dictionary learning.
Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Early Career Award
Alexis Trahan
Trahan was selected as an INMM member 35 years of age or younger (as of the date of the nomination deadline) who has made a singular outstanding achievement or a series of notable achievements in an area of nuclear materials management relevant to the Institute and its technical divisions.
International Association for Green Energy Outstanding Researcher Award
Piotr Zelenay
Zelenay was honored for “outstanding research and advancement of knowledge in fuel cells, electrochemical energy, and green energy systems” and is given to researchers who have “demonstrated exceptional contribution to the green energy research community.”
Microscopy Society of America Chuck Fiori Award for Outstanding Technologist in the Physical Sciences
Matthew Schneider
Schneider was honored for his contributions to new techniques. His professional interests include measuring and understanding dynamical material responses to applied stimuli, including changes in elemental distribution, crystal structure, strain state, electronic structure and more.
Nanomaterials Young Investigator Award
Aiping Chen
Chen was honored as a Young Investigator by Nanomaterials. At CINT, Chen leads efforts on the synthesis and characterization of complex oxide heterostructures and nanocomposites. The author of more than 120 published papers cited more than 4,600 times, Chen’s recent research focuses on thin film synthesis, emergent phenomena in quantum materials, and electronic devices.
Purdue University Outstanding Nuclear Engineer Award
Bob Webster
Webster was presented his award in recognition of his seminal contribution in applied physics for thermonuclear applications and for national and international leadership in global nuclear security. As a 34-year veteran of the Weapons program at Los Alamos, he has helped the Weapons program make significant contributions to the LANL and NNSA missions.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Fellow
Aric Hagberg
Hagberg was named for his contributions to network science, dynamical systems and dedicated service to the scientific community. As an applied mathematician, he primarily focuses on nonlinear dynamics, pattern formation, and complex systems. He is also an affiliate of the Lab’s Center for Nonlinear Studies, and researches complex phenomena identification using an array of approaches and methods relating to statistical physics, nonlinear science, applied mathematics, and numerical simulations.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Grainger College of Engineering Alumni Award for Distinguished Service
Eric Brown
Brown was honored for his leadership in and service to the engineering field. Currently director of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) and senior director for the Associate Laboratory Directorate of Physical Sciences (ALDPS), he was previously a senior scientist and project leader in the Lab’s Office of Experimental Science and has led both the Neutron Science and Technology group in the Physics Division, and the Explosive Science and Shock Physics Division.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellows Prize for Outstanding Leadership in Science or Engineering
Kirsten McCabe
Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellows Prize for Outstanding Research in Science or Engineering
Yu Seung Kim
Rodman Linn
Inventor of the Year
Yu Seung Kim
Community Relations Medal
Barbara Lynn
Ralph Martinez
Global Security Medal
Juan Duque
Kevin Mitchell
Operations Excellence Medal
Ricardo Martí-Arbona
Tariq Aslam
Rod Borup
William Daughton
Tess Light
Filip Ronning
Richard Van de Water
Hari Viswanathan
Ivan Vitev
Scott Watson
CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE)
Fieldable Atomic Beam Isotopic Analyzer (FABIA)
Fast Evaluation of Emerging Viral Risks (FEVER)
Special Recognition
Gold medal for battling COVID-19
Gold medal for corporate social responsibility
Grid Regulation Delivered by Aggregations of Loads (Grid-BAL)
Special Recognition
Gold medal for market disruptor — services
Silver medal for corporate social responsibility
Hyperspectral X-ray Imaging (HXI)
Nano-satellite Atmospheric Chemistry Hyperspectral Observation System (NACHOS)
Ordered Key-Value Computational Storage Device (KV-CSD)
Rapid Response Steel Tooling
Solution-processed Perovskite Crystalline Films (SPeC)
Special Recognition
Bronze medal for market disruptor — products
NASA Group Achievement awards
Mars 2020 Instrument Operations Development team
Cynthia Little
Dorothea Delapp
Scott Robinson
Anthony (Tony) Nelson
Roberta Beal
Carey (Chip) Legett IV
SHERLOC (Mars 2020 SHERLOC Development and Science team)
James Sheldon
Glen Peterson
Michael Caffrey
Roger Wiens
Anthony (Tony) Nelson
Stacy Maestas
David Hemsing
John Michel
Sean Brennan
Andres Valdez
Steven Armijo
John Paul (JP) Martinez
Samuel Clegg
Edwin Phillips
Raymond Newell
Kerry Boyd
Louis Borges
Deane Gasway
Jorden Celis
Jacob Valdez
Logan Ott
Ryan Hemphill
Hannah Cross
Benigno Sandoval
Justin McGlown
Dawn Venhaus
Darren Harvey
Brandon Hill
Adam Esquibel
SuperCam - Mars 2020 Pre-landing Strategic Science group
Baptiste Chide
Nina Lanza
SuperCam Development team
Kevin Mccabe
Cynthia Little
Steven Storms
Joy Torres
Scott Robinson
Michael Caffrey
Roger Wiens
Anthony (Tony) Nelson
Samuel Clegg
Nina Lanza
Kerry Boyd
Jonathan Deming
Darrel Beckman
Ann Ollila
Benigno Sandoval
Roberta Beal
Dawn Venhaus
Carey (Chip) Legett IV
Baptiste Chide
SuperCam Science, Engineering, and Operations team
Dorothea Delapp
Scott Robinson
Anthony (Tony) Nelson
Samuel Clegg
Nina Lanza
Raymond Newell
Carene Larmat
Ann Ollila
Margaret Root
Roberta Beal
Patrick Gasda
Carey (Chip) Legett IV
Baptiste Chide
Amanda Sheridan
Ari Essunfeld
Matthew Brand
Noah Martin
Enrico Fermi Award
Darleane Hoffman
Derivative Classifier of the Year
Robert (Bob) Putnam
Early Career Research Program Award
Kun Liu
Rich Fiorella
Andrey Lokhov
Yu Zhang
Secretary of Energy Achievement Award
Capsule Gain team
Hermann Geppert-Kleinrath
Hans W. Herrmann
Yongho Kim
John L. Kline
Kevin Daniel Meaney
Thomas Joseph (Tom) Murphy
Petr Lvovich Volegov
STPSat-6 Satellite Payloads Early On-Orbit Test team
Alicia Baca
Zachary Baker
Kurtis Barlett
William Blaine
Michael Bredemann
Michael Carter
Larry Casper
Juan Carlos Cornejo
Daniel Coupland
Jonathan Cox
Magdalena Dale
James Daniels
John DeBardeleben
Robert Dingler
Brian Dougherty
Wendi Dreesen
Hunter Earnest
Deane Gasway
Jamie Gomez
Sean Haley
Samuel Henderson
Dan Kral
Erik Krause
Brian Larsen
Erin Lay
Charlie Light
William Marchetto
Keith Mashburn
Katherine Mesick
Aaron Morrison
Denis Nadeau
David Oro
John Parrack
Jesus Perello Izaguirre
Scott Rawlinson
Carl Reinke
Joseph Reneker
Lindsey Rivera
Caleb Roecker
Adrian Romero
Lupe Romero
Daniel Sandoval
Amanda Sheridan
Ruth Skoug
Grant Soehnel
John Steinberg
My Thi To
Nathan Vo
Andrew Walker
Evan Williams
Nina Weisse-Bernstein
Meilin Yan
Xiaoguang Yang
Ukraine Detection Assistance team
Michael Paul Caffrey
Tom Fairbanks
Paul Graham
Glenn Griggs
Brian Michael Haines
Timothy D. Haamlin
David Kerry Hemsing
Eric Yuval Raby
Xuan-Min Shao
Christopher R. Waidmann
Brian Jennings
Gregory Orlicz
W93 Phase 1 Concept Assessment team
Cory Ahrens
Curtt Ammerman
Casey Anderson
Deborah Lynn Apodaca
Ginger A. Atwood
John David (David) Becker
Raul Gonzalez Bencomo
Langdon Bennett
Jerry S. Brock
Ty Brooks
Charlie A. (Charles) Crane
Elizabeth Crespin
Alexander Baird Cusick
Crystal Buchanan Dale
Chelsea Ann D'Angelo
Kimberly Ann DeFriend
Kelsey Joanna Denissen
Aeones Kairoo Deveyra
Jennifer Lynn Donley
Stephen Ellis
Alejandro E. Enriquez
Michael Lorne Fensin
Lucille Helen (Lucy) Frey
Gary Michael Gladysz
Colin Michael Haynes
Joseph Edward David (Jed) Hess
Lee M. Hornsby
Jeff Hyde
Jeffrey E. Hylok
Gayle Kestell
Lance Allen Kingston
Alexander Sang-Hoon Lee
Lisa C. Lindberg
Nathaniel Mesick
Brad A. Meyer
Rachel Anne Morneau
Tanner Morrison
Fred Mortensen
Jessie Nichols
Jacob Perea
Aaron Michael Peters
Andrew Bryan Porteous
Maureen Justine Psaila-Dombrowski
Anthony D. Puckett
Robert Lee (Bob) Putnam
Fernando Quintana
Nathan Rimkus
Thomas Roberts
Lucas Matthew Rolison
Donald Salazar
Nathaniel Sanchez
Donald Sandoval
Christopher J. Scully
Alice Skehan
Michael Louis (Mike) Steinzig
Michael Stevens
Guillermo Terrones
Jessica Thrussell
Aric Tibbitts
Mary Timmers
Trevor Tippetts
Andri Ulrich
Cetin Unal
Fabian Vigil
Morgan White
Phillip Wolfram Jr.
Hasani Omar (Omar) Wooten
Jonathan Workman
Kate Yeamans
Jane Hall Award
Sadie VandenBusch
Awards to LANL
Black EOE Journal - Best of the Best Top Government & Law Enforcement Agencies
CAREERS & the disABLED Magazine - Top 20 Government Employer
ClearedJobs.Net Best Recruiters
U.S. Department of Energy - Green Fleet Award
Equal Opportunity Magazine - Top 20 Government Employer
Family Friendly New Mexico - Family Friendly Business Award
HISPANIC Network Magazine - Best of the Best Top Government & Law Enforcement Agencies
Minority Engineer Magazine - Top 20 Government Employer
STEM Workforce Diversity Magazine - Top 20 Government Employer
U.S. Department of Labor - HIRE Vets Medallion Award: Gold
Woman Engineer Magazine - Top 20 Government Employer
Professional Woman's Magazine - Best of the Best Top Government & Law Enforcement Agencies
Patricia E. Gallagher Environmental Award Gold Level
Environmentally Friendly Bacteria: A Natural Substitute for Nitric Acid Leaching of Copper
LAP4 30 Base Mobilization TA-51
Biodegradable and Human Friendly Disposable Tableware Designed from Renewable Sources
Our Grand Entrance!
Criticality Control Overpack (CCO)
DAAF Synthesis Campaign
Live Streaming for Visual Examination of Transuranic (TRU) Waste
Parallel Characterization of Transuranic Waste
Polymer Bag-Out Bag Replacement Pilot Program
Process Optimization for Reduced Hazardous Waste Generation
Recycle of Export-Controlled SS Material
Shields Up!
Disposition of TA-21 Mobile Lab Trailers
Thermal Neutron Counter Inside New Glovebox
Transuranic Liquid Waste (TLW) Facility Project
Visual Inspection (VI) Team Keeps Workers, Facility, and Environment Safe
Waste Drum Transfer System
New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering IMPACT! Award
Anna Llobet Megias
Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 40 Under 40 Top Business Leaders Awards
Felicia Archuleta-Toya
Lacey Bruaw
Kayla Norris
Breanna Perera
Large-team Distinguished Performance Award
Cerro Pelado Fire Emergency Response team
Kenneth Adkins
Nancy Ambrosiano
Tonni Aquino
Carmela Aragon
Michelle Archuleta
Felicia Archuleta-Toya
Elisa Baker
Jennifer Bedford
Arthur Bishop
Kevin Brake
Aaron Brick Leeroy Cienega
John Ciolek Jr.
John Collins
Jeffrey Dare
Diana Del Mauro
Thomas Dobson
Nikki Falk
James Faulkner II
Pat Fierro
Stephen Fischer
Nikki Foster
Lance Fresquez
Juan Gonzalez
Paul Grano
Jeremy Grondin
Bernadette Guillermo
Peter Horak
Steven Horak
Ronald (Ronnie) Huerta
Peter Hyde
James Jones
Darcy Katzman
Taylora Koch
Sabrina Larsen
Kerrie Lincoln
Janet Lovato
Jason Lujan
Sigrid (Hannah) Mabel
Kaitlin Martinez
Jacob McCallum
Gary McMillan
Gilbert Miera
Joshua Miller
David Miranda
Laura Mullane
Michael Necaise
Richard Nieto
Nicholas Njegomir
Lexi Petronis
Charles Poling
Matthew Randall
Rheanna Sandoval
Daphne Schleft
Shannan Schnedler
David Silver
Benjamin Stein
Eric Sussman
Heaven Talachy
Jennifer Talhelm
Jonathan Tapia
Kevin Thelen
Robert Thornton III
Teodoro Ulibarri
Isaiah Valdez
Jessica Woods
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Plan team
Tamara Baer Katrina Bennett
Shannon Blair
Bridget Bloodwood
Kassidy Boorman
Suzanne Bourret David Bruggeman Sandi Copeland
Andrew Dattelbaum
Jeanne Fair
Eve Gasarch
Sarah Gould
Carrie Gregory
Debora Hall
Leslie Hansen
Tamara Hawman
Jason Hick
David Holtkamp
Aimee Hungerford
Amrinder Kaur
Roilynn (Lynne) Knight Rosemary Maestas
Bethann McVicker
Katelyn Moje
Alicia Ortega
Donald (Don) O'Sullivan
Philip Rae
Karla Sartor
Jenna Stanek
Milu Velardi
Kenneth Waight III
Genna Waldvogel
Monica Witt
Wildland Fire Mitigation team
Elisa Abeyta
Gabriel Archuleta
Jesse Berryhill
Bridget Bloodwood
Joseph Boyet
Jeremy Brunette
Jack Caldwell
Sandi Copeland
Allison Cunningham Rolando DeLoera-Lucero
Ethan Ditmanson
Branden Dominovich
Simone Fresquez
Chauncey Gadek
Andrew Garcia
Kari Garcia
Gary Gonzales
Marcos Granados
Carrie Gregory
Gavin Harris
David Holtkamp
Danielle Huerta
Herman James
James Jones
Samantha Linford
Alison Livesay
Scott Lopez
Arsenio Maestas
Jeffrey Martinez
Kevin Martinez
Michael Martinez
Roman Martinez
Michael Mcnaughton
Lyken Merrill
Armando Montoya
Nicholas Morfin
Mark Powell
Makenzie Quintana
Kelsey Reese
Daniel Rodriguez
Johnny Samora
Audrey Sanchez
Elmer Sandoval
Karla Sartor
Jenna Stanek
Brent Thompson
James Valdez
John Valdez
Larry Velasquez
Benito Vigil
Science, Technology, and Engineering
Postdoctoral Distinguished Mentor Award
Malcolm Boshier
Michael Cooper
Matthew Hoffman
Yu Seung Kim
Michael Martin
Emanuele Mereghetti
David Osthus
Postdoc Distinguished Performance Award
Emily Luteran
Lauren VanDervort
Milovan Zecevic
Large-team Distinguished Performance Award
Coherent Captain Mills (CCM) Experiment team
Sylvie Adam
Jan Boissevain
Melvin Borrego
Andrew Chavez Jr.
James Distel
Edward Dunton
Marisol Chavez Estrada
Daniel Evans
Jason Gochanour Elena Guardincerri
Rajan Gupta
En-Chuan Huang
Nick Kamp
Charles Kelsey Kelly Knickerbocker
Lena Lopatina
William Louis III
Jackie Mirabal
Michael Mocko
Darcy Newmark
Daniel (Dan) Poulson
Eric Renner
Terrance Schaub Austin Schneider
Walter Sondheim
Daniele Spier Moreira Alves
Charles Taylor
Aayaush Thapa
William Thompson
Tyler Thornton
Mayank Tripathi
Richard Van de Water
Epic Shadow 23-01 team
Rose Bloom
Evelyn Bond
Melissa (Mitzi) Boswell
Jacob Buettner
Annelise Cardon
April Cardon
Jerry Davydov
Joanna Denton
Brittany Dowd
Mark Edwards
John Engel
Michael Fitzpatrick
Dylan Flanagan
Rebecca Foley
Alexa Hanson
Hannah Hodgett
Lisa Hudston
Jeremy Inglis
Azim Kara
William Kinman
Kyle Krajewski,
Stephen Lamont
Brandy Land
Joel Maassen
Zsuzsanna Macsik
Jennifer Maestas
Benjamin Naes
Sandra Padilla
Andrew Reinhard
Jeffrey Roach
Serena RodriguezJennifer (Jen) Romero
Danielle Roybal
Matthew Sanborn
Brian Scott
Dillon Soenke
Robert Steiner
Eric Tegtmeier
Travis Tenner
Lynette Velasquez
Allison Wende
William Winter III
Kimberly Wurth
Gryphon team
Elizabeth Auden
Zachary Baker
Michael Caffrey
Quinten (Quinn) Cole Ian Cummings
Jered Dominguez-Trujillo
Raimund Herberg
Andrew Kirby
Michelle Koglin
Gerd Kunde
John Layne
Isaiah Liljestrand
Susan Mendel
Thomas Merl
Robert Migliori
Brooke Mosley
Heather Quinn
Lindsey Rivera
Michael Shlanta
Martin Staley
Kasidit Subsomboon
Christian Ward
Hydride Moderator Development team
Casey Blough
Kevin Bohn
Travis Carver
Michael Cooper
Theresa Cutler
Venkateswara (Rao) Dasari
Robert Forsyth
Travis Grove
Michael Hahn
Donald Johnson
Caitlin Kohnert
Alexander Long
Erik Luther
Alexis Maldonado
Justin Martin
Christopher (Topher) Matthews
Vedant Mehta
Thomas Nizolek
Michal Pate
Gregorio Poling
Tarik Saleh
Rene Sanchez
Aditya Shivprasad
Tyler Smith
Michael Strohmeyer
Nicholas Thompson
James Torres
Michael Torrez
Anthony Trejo
Holly Trellue
Kenneth Valdez
Sven Vogel
Joshua White
Stephen (Steve) Wiest
Nicholas (Nick) Wynne
Isotope Production Facility Unexpected Target Window/Collimator Replacement team
Kevin Andrews
Joshua Brito
Jason Burkhart
Ross Capon
Steven Dryja
Michael Duran
Bertrand Dushime
Esteban Figueroa
Diana Garcia
Nathan Kollarik
Anthony Koppi
Joseph Le May
Jordon Marquis
Derwin (Moose) Martinez
Jason Martinez
Brian Moore
David Newman
Ellen O'Brien
James O'Hara
Mario Pacheco
Francisco (Kiko) Rael Brandon Roller
Harry Salazar
Ryan Smeltzer
Manuel Soliz
Tsuyoshi Tajima
Christiaan (Etienne) Vermeulen
James Vigil
Heath Watkins
LANSCE Lujan Center Target Design, Assembly, and Replacement team
Brian Adkison
Kevin Andrews
Verges Bahe
David Ballard
Melvin Borrego
Joshua Brito
Jason Burkhart
Christopher Carlisle
Cathy Chapman Drew Cummings
Steven Dryja
Michael Duran
Jose Garcia
Martin Gutierrez
Todd Hasse
Simon Johnson
Paul Koehler
Kevin Lamoreux
Connel Lane
Stephen Mano
Jordon Marquis
Paul Martin
Jason Martinez
Jacob Medina
Michael Mocko
Brian Moore
Robert Myers
David Newman
Eric Olivas
Josh Ortega
Mario Pacheco
Francisco (Kiko) Rael
Brandon Roller
Ryan Smeltzer,
Raymond (Ray) Valicenti
James Vigil
Aaron Walker
Laura Walker
Joshua Williams Keith Woloshun
Lukas Zavorka
Minikin Echo Radio Frequency (MERF) Prompt Sensor team
Katherine Alano
Austin Bos
George Brooks Jr.
Michael Caffrey
Myles Cartelli
Landon Colston II
Timothy Cox
Thomas Fairbanks
Franklin Fierro
Jose Godinez
Paul Graham
Glenn Griggs
Timothy Hamlin
Darren Harvey
William Haynes
David Hemsing
Cheng Ho
John Layne
Charles Light II
Ramona Maestas
John Paul Martinez
David McGee
Juan Moreno Jr.
Aaron Morrison
Susan Nava
Donathan Ortega
Eric Ottosen
Eric Raby
Jessi Robinson
Adrian Romero
Daniel Seitz
Xuan-min Shao
Chad Shurter
Valerie Siewert
Benjamin Stark
Joseph Trujillo
Andres Valdez
Jose Velarde
Vernon Vigil Christopher Waidmann
Charles Warner
Neutron Beamline Shutter Upgrades at Lujan Center team
Sylvie Adam
Kevin Andrews
Melvin Borrego
Jason Burkhart
Andrew Chavez Jr.
Michael Duran
Christopher Fairbanks
Eric Garcia
Kelly Knickerbocker
Eric Larson
Jason Medina
Tim Medina
Mario Pacheco
Leslie Puckett
Stephen Rivas
Brandon Roller
Joan Siewenie
Walter Sondheim
Stephen Townsley
James Vigil
Keith Woloshun
Pegpost team
Amber Black
Rose Bloom
Charles Booth
Donald Brown
Randall Burson
Timothy Byers
Carl Cady
Travis Carver
Bjørn Clausen
Hannah Cross
Joseph DeLoach
Brian Esquibel
Saryu Fensin
Michael Finch
Paul Gibbs
Alexandra Glover
Max Harrah
Joel Heidemann
Seth Imhoff
Donald Johnson
Michaela Johnson
Benjamin Jones
Jaqueline Kiplinger
Samantha Lawrence
Andrew Marshall
Daniel Martinez
Isaac Martinez
Andrew McNutt
Ryan Mier
Phillip Miller
Kayla Molnar
Joel Montalvo
Robin Montoya
Mary O'Brien
Jose Olivas
Carolus Osborn Jr.
Kristofer Peltz
Gregorio Poling
Jeffrey Robison
Curtis Salazar
Mark Sandoval
Eunice Solis
Jamie Stull
James Tata
Christopher Tomkins
Garret Tousley
Kevin Wabick
John Wilson
William Winter III
Jason Wohlberg
Suzannah Wood
Jonathan Zambrano
Small-Team Distinguished Performance Award
LANSCE 805 MHz HPRF Adaptation and In-situ Repair of Failed Transformer Rectifier Units team
Jon Bergemann
Joseph T. Bradley III
William Brian Haynes
Manuelita Rodriguez
Neutron Imaging Engineering team
Jason Allison
Nikolaus Christiansen
Valerie Fatherley
Justin Jorgenson
John Martinez
Derek Schmidt
New Methods for Operational Technology Security Scorpius team
Brandi Brown
Sandra Frost
Anne Paulson
Gerald Seitz
Matthew Scarborough
QCD Theory team
Duff Neill
Ivan Vitev
Targets team
Rose Bloom
Randall Burson
Carl Osborn, Jr.
Sean Raybon
Jeffrey Robinson
Stephen West
Individual Distinguished Performance Awards
Saryu Fensin
Eric Flynn
Sowjanya Gollapinni
Beth Hornbein
Eric Loomis
Large-team Distinguished Performance Award
Carbonara team
Jason Allison
Devin Cardon
Christopher Chadwick
Kyle Chavez
Elizabeth Francois
Matthew Freeman
Matthew Fresquez
Anatoliy Frishberg Cisco Gonzales Y Borrego Jonathan Hudston
Cornelio Lopez Jr.
Todd Lundberg
Fessaha Mariam
Erin Mavis
Jason Medina
William Meijer
Christopher Morris
Brianna Musico
Levi Neukirch
Lauren O'Brien
Jeremy Payton
Ricardo Salazar
Steven Sandoval
Mary Sandstrom
Benjamin Schilling
John Schmidt IV Tamsen Schurman
Pamela Scott
Erick Smith
Leah Snyder
Bethany Sprinkle
Zhaowen Tang
Justin Thibodeaux
Christopher Triola
Frans Trouw
Carl Trujillo
Dale Tupa
Chemical Compatibility Evaluation Database team
Sara Adelman
Jennifer Berger
Matthew Bush
Peter Ebey
Benjamin Fisher
Derek Gordon
Rebecca Hollis
Tyler Kukuchka
Jerzy Kulis
Aaron Matins
Karen McHugh
Bernardo Miyamoto
Jon Nelson
Adam Olsen
Richard Piantini
Martin Salazar
Aaron Shaw
John Shaw
Yong Tao
Sharon Walker
Elevating RLUOB to a Hazard Category-3 Nuclear Facility team
Julie Andrews
David Arellano
Derek Benavidez
Jessica Berger
Sarah Bittner
Matthew Bowyer
Robert (Rob) Briscoe Jr.
Aaron Carr
John Cintas
Maria De La Torre Garcia
Kraig Deike
Scott Downing
Jeffrey Elliott
Gerald Espinoza, Jr.
Connie Figley
Richard Filemyr
Elizabeth Friedman
Denise Gelston
Debra Gentile
Joy Getha
Karl Gonzales
John Guadagnoli
Thomas Hafera
Jessica Hebert
Melissa Hobdy Smith
Terry Holesinger
Stacy Howze
Christopher Huchton
Alex Jaureguiberry
Kenneth Jeffcoat
Stephen Karpi, Jr.
Dylan Klundt
Lesley Lacy
Tammy Lopez
Ted Lykins
Angelique Martinez
Margie Martinez
Marki Martinez
Karen Matuszak
Stephen McNeel
Michelle Montoya
Leila Naranjo
Kimberly Page
Adam Phelan
Eric Quintana
Lorenzo Ramirez
Miguel Rizo
David Romero
Eric Romero
Martin Salazar
Dana Sandoval
Eugene Sandoval
William (Bill) Schwettman
Gregory Shino
Wayne Simons
Wayne Simons
Anthony Sims
Heather Steigerwald
Scott Sterkel
Anthony Sublett
Paul Tobash
Steve Torrez
Julie Trujillo
Michael Trujillo
Laura Tryboski
James Tsiagkouris
Ella Twary
Evelena Valencia
Judy Vialpando
Mardoceo (Marty) Vialpando
Barry Walker
Mark Weaver
Cristina Weber
Amy Wong
Ernest (Miller) Wylie II
Alva Yazzie
Integrated Manufacture of Energetic Airframes (IMEA) Project team
Conrad Farnsworth
Zak Fitzpatrick
Logan Graves
Joseph Lichthardt
Eric Mas
Alexander Mueller
Alan Novak
Philip Rae
Andrew Schmalzer
Erica Sullivan
Bryce Tappan
Clayton Tiemann
SPECTRE Experiment team
Rudy Abeyta Jr.
Carlos Archuleta
Charles Booth
Todd Bredeweg
Victor Bustos
Errol Cohn
Christopher Cordova
Dustin Cummins Paul DeBurgomaster
Pamela Dominguez
Andrew Duffield
Susan Eaton
Dylan Flanagan
Ariana Foley
Franz Freibert
Andrew Gaunt
Meghan Gibbs
Tanya Goehring
Elena Guardincerri
Matthew Hammond
Susan Hanson
Brandon Hutchinson
Michael James
Donald Johnson
Tye Jorgenson
Corey Kashiwa
Michael Klosterman
Vanessa Leyba
Alyssa-Marie Lucero
Edward Lum
Georgette Maestas
Shane Mann
Joshua Mares
Aaron Martinez
Candie Martinez
Clarence Martinez
Onesimo Martinez
Tomas Martinez
Vince Martinez
Joseph Martz
Iain May
Steven McCready
Jackson McFall
Daniel Meininger
Michael Middlemas
Ryan Mier
Jeffrey Miller
Jeremy Mitchell
David Moore
Jesse Murillo
Warren Oldham
Daniel Olive
Mark Ortega
Carolus Osborn Jr.
Karen Paige
Kristofer Peltz
Alison Pugmire
Sean Reilly
Brett Robinson
Rick Romero
Rueben Roybal
Fritzgerald Sandoval
Clinton Shonrock
Steven Simmonds
Nathan Smythe
Michael Strohmeyer
Douglas Thacker
Nestor Trujillo
Stephen Trujillo
Darrell Vigil
Carlos Voight
Jennifer White
Stephen Wiest
Jason Wohlberg
Melinda Wren
Small-Team Distinguished Performance Award
Collaborative Analysis and Testing Techniques Phase 1 team
Hayden Belobrajdic
Amanda Farnsworth
Colin Haynes
Zackery Parker
Ryan Waked
Sandra Zimmerman
Hybrid VPIC Development team
Ari Yitzchak Le
Adam John Stanier
Individual Distinguished Performance Award
Joel Kulesza