15.1.1 Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh Procedure

The Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh procedure allocates and initializes the fundamental parts of a Multi_Mesh object that are common to all mesh types. It sets the following mesh data:

The Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh procedure is most often used in specific mesh initialization procedures.

Calling syntax:

call Initialize (Mesh, NDimensions, Geometry, Uniformity, Orthogonality, Structure, AMR, Shape, NNodes_Vector, NCells_Vector, NFaces_Vector, Coordinates_Nodes_PE, Nodes_of_Cells_PE, Mesh_Name, status)

Input variables:

 Mesh  The Multi_Mesh object to be initialized.
 NDimensions  The number of spatial dimensions. [1,2,3]
 Geometry  The geometry type. [Cartesian, Cylindrical, or Spherical]
 Uniformity  The uniformity of the mesh. [Uniform, Nonuniform]
 Orthogonality  The orthogonality of the mesh. [Orthogonal, Nonorthogonal]
 Structure  The mesh structure. [Structured, Unstructured]
 AMR  Logical which is true for Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR, H-type) meshes.
 Shape  The shape of cells in the mesh. [Segmented, Triangular, Quadrilateral, Polygonal, Tetrahedral, Hexahedral, Polyhedral]
 NNodes_Vector  A vector containing the number of mesh nodes on each PE.
 NCells_Vector  A vector containing the number of mesh cells on each PE.
 NFaces_Vector  A vector containing the number of mesh faces on each PE.
 Coordinates_Nodes_PE(NDimensions,Nodes_PE)  The coordinates of the nodes on this PE.
 Nodes_of_Cells_PE(Cells_PE,Nodes_per_Cell)  The node numbers for each cell on this PE.
 dim{n}  The dimensions for this ``array''. There must be dimensions specified up to a number one less than the Dimensionality. These are only needed in the second form of the call.
 Mesh_Name  The name for this mesh. [Optional]

Output variables:

 Mesh  The Multi_Mesh object has been allocated and initialized.
 status  If present, the status variable is set to either 'Memory Error' or 'Success' depending on program execution. If not present, the procedure aborts if unsuccessful when the DEBUG_LEVEL is set high enough.

Internal variables:

 allocate_status  Allocation Status.
 consolidated_status  Consolidated Status.

The Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh code listing contains additional documentation.

Michael L. Hall