I.1.1 Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh Procedure

The main documentation of the Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh Procedure contains additional explanation of this code listing.

  subroutine Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh (Mesh, NDimensions, Geometry, &
    Uniformity, Orthogonality, Structure, AMR, Shape, &
    NNodes_Vector, NCells_Vector, NFaces_Vector, &
    Coordinates_Nodes_PE, Nodes_of_Cells_PE, Mesh_Name, status)

    ! Use associations.

    use Caesar_Flags_Module, only: initialized_flag

    ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ! Input variables.
    ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ! Mesh type information.

    type(integer), intent(in)     :: NDimensions    ! Number of Dimensions.
    type(character,*), intent(in) :: Geometry       ! Mesh geometry.
    type(character,*), intent(in) :: Uniformity     ! Uniform or Nonuniform.
    type(character,*), intent(in) :: Orthogonality  ! Orthogonal or 
                                                    ! Nonorthogonal.
    type(character,*), intent(in) :: Structure      ! Structured or 
                                                    ! Unstructured.
    type(logical), intent(in)     :: AMR            ! Adaptive Mesh Refinement.
    type(character,*), intent(in) :: Shape          ! Cell shape.

    ! Structure length vectors, which give numbers for all PEs.

    type(integer,1) :: NNodes_Vector ! Number of nodes.
    type(integer,1) :: NCells_Vector ! Number of cells.
    type(integer,1) :: NFaces_Vector ! Number of faces.

    ! Mesh coordinates and indices.

    ! The coordinates of the nodes on this PE.
    type(real,2) :: Coordinates_Nodes_PE
    ! The nodes for the cells on this PE.
    type(integer,2) :: Nodes_of_Cells_PE

    type(character,*), intent(in), optional :: Mesh_Name ! Mesh name.

    ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ! Output variables.
    ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ! Multi_Mesh to be initialized.
    type(Multi_Mesh_type), intent(inout) :: Mesh
    type(Status_type), intent(out), optional :: status  ! Exit status.

    ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ! Internal variables.
    ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    type(Status_type), dimension(20) :: allocate_status ! Allocation Status.
    type(Status_type) :: consolidated_status            ! Consolidated Status.


    ! Verify requirements.

    ! Mesh type info is valid.
    VERIFY(NDimensions .InInterval. (/1, 3/),5)
    VERIFY(Geometry .InSet. Geometry_Options,5)
    VERIFY(Uniformity .InSet. Uniformity_Options,5)
    VERIFY(Orthogonality .InSet. Orthogonality_Options,5)
    VERIFY(Structure .InSet. Structure_Options,5)
    VERIFY(Shape .InSet. Shape_Options,5)
    ! Mesh length vectors are correct length.
    VERIFY(SIZE(NNodes_Vector) == NPEs,5)             
    VERIFY(SIZE(NCells_Vector) == NPEs,5)             
    VERIFY(SIZE(NFaces_Vector) == NPEs,5)             
    ! Input arrays are correct size.
    VERIFY(SIZE(Coordinates_Nodes_PE,1) == NDimensions,5)
    VERIFY(SIZE(Coordinates_Nodes_PE,2) == NNodes_Vector(this_PE),5)
    VERIFY(SIZE(Nodes_of_Cells_PE,1) == NCells_Vector(this_PE),5)
    VERIFY(SIZE(Nodes_of_Cells_PE,2) == 2**NDimensions,5)

    ! Set up internals.

    if (PRESENT(Mesh_Name)) Mesh%Name = Mesh_Name

    ! Set Mesh type information.

    Mesh%NDimensions   = NDimensions
    Mesh%Geometry      = Geometry
    Mesh%Uniformity    = Uniformity
    Mesh%Orthogonality = Orthogonality
    Mesh%Structure     = Structure
    Mesh%AMR           = AMR
    Mesh%Shape         = Shape

    ! Mesh scalar info.
    Mesh%NCells_total   = SUM(NCells_Vector)
    Mesh%NCells_PE      = NCells_Vector(this_PE)
    Mesh%Last_Cell_PE   = SUM(NCells_Vector(1:this_PE))
    Mesh%First_Cell_PE  = Mesh%Last_Cell_PE - Mesh%NCells_PE + 1
    Mesh%Range_Cells_PE = (/ Mesh%First_Cell_PE, Mesh%Last_Cell_PE /)

    Mesh%NNodes_total   = SUM(NNodes_Vector)
    Mesh%NNodes_PE      = NNodes_Vector(this_PE)
    Mesh%Last_Node_PE   = SUM(NNodes_Vector(1:this_PE))
    Mesh%First_Node_PE  = Mesh%Last_Node_PE - Mesh%NNodes_PE + 1
    Mesh%Range_Nodes_PE = (/ Mesh%First_Node_PE, Mesh%Last_Node_PE /)

    Mesh%NFaces_total   = SUM(NFaces_Vector)
    Mesh%NFaces_PE      = NFaces_Vector(this_PE)
    Mesh%Last_Face_PE   = SUM(NFaces_Vector(1:this_PE))
    Mesh%First_Face_PE  = Mesh%Last_Face_PE - Mesh%NFaces_PE + 1
    Mesh%Range_Faces_PE = (/ Mesh%First_Face_PE, Mesh%Last_Face_PE /)

    select case (Mesh%Shape)
    ! Type 1 meshes.
    case ('Tetrahedral', 'Triangular')      
      Mesh%Nodes_per_Cell = NDimensions+1
      Mesh%Nodes_per_Face = NDimensions
      Mesh%Faces_per_Cell = NDimensions+1
    ! Type 2 meshes:
    case ('Segmented', 'Quadrilateral', 'Hexahedral')
      Mesh%Nodes_per_Cell = 2**NDimensions
      Mesh%Nodes_per_Face = 2**(NDimensions-1)
      Mesh%Faces_per_Cell = 2*NDimensions
    ! Type N meshes.
    case ('Polygonal', 'Polyhedral')        
      Mesh%Nodes_per_Cell = 0
      Mesh%Nodes_per_Face = 0
      Mesh%Faces_per_Cell = 0
    end select
    ! Segmented is either Type 1 or Type 2.

    ! Allocations and initializations.

    call Initialize (allocate_status)
    call Initialize (consolidated_status)

    ! Set up mesh structures.

    call Initialize (Mesh%Node_Structure, NNodes_Vector, 'Nodes', &
    call Initialize (Mesh%Cell_Structure, NCells_Vector, 'Cells', &
    call Initialize (Mesh%Face_Structure, NFaces_Vector, 'Faces', &

    ! Set Mesh coordinates.

    call Initialize (Mesh%Coordinates_Nodes_DV, Mesh%Node_Structure, &
                     2, 'Coordinates of Nodes', status, NDimensions)
    Mesh%Coordinates_Nodes_DV = Coordinates_Nodes_PE

    ! Set Mesh indices.

    call Initialize (Mesh%Nodes_of_Cells_Index, Mesh%Node_Structure, &
                     Mesh%Cell_Structure, &
                     Many_of_One_Array=Nodes_of_Cells_PE, &

    ! Consolidate and handle status.

    consolidated_status = allocate_status
    if (PRESENT(status)) then
      WARN_IF(Error(consolidated_status), 5)
      status = consolidated_status
      VERIFY(Normal(consolidated_status), 5)
    end if
    call Finalize (consolidated_status)
    call Finalize (allocate_status)

    ! Set initialization flag.

    Mesh%Initialized = initialized_flag

    ! Verify guarantees.

    VERIFY(Valid_State(Mesh),5)  ! Mesh is now valid.

  end subroutine Initialize_Base_Multi_Mesh

Michael L. Hall