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Memory-Integrated Network-Interface Processor

Why should we care about access to the network interface card (NIC)? For the same reasons we care about OS-bypass protocols like ST, FM, PM, and VIA - to alleviate the networking bottlenecks at the networking endpoints in order to provide lower latency and higher bandwidth to the end-user application. With the ever-increasing speeds of network links, e.g., HiPPI-6400 at 6.4 Gb/s and DWDM at O(Tb/s), and with processor speeds doubling every 18 months, the networking endpoints, i.e., the path between the network and the processor, will continue to be a bottleneck in the years to come. Thus, a faster path to the network is absolutely essential.

Rather than treat a network interface card (NIC) as a second-class citizen by attaching it onto the peripheral I/O bus, a NIC should be treated as a first-class citizen by attaching it onto the system bus, integrating it into the memory system, and treating it as a network processor (as a peer to a general-purpose processor) in order to further enhance overall system performance. The MINI Processor project gets its name these defining attributes, i.e., a memory-integrated, network-interface processor.

Designing a NIC to be accessed like memory rather than as a peripheral device allows application programmers to focus on parallelizing programs (by hiding the details of managing parallelism and data locality from the programmer) rather than burdening them with managing explicit data movement into and out of a computing node.

Wu, do we want to say it this way? This seems to imply we are working on yet another shared memory implementation when in reality we are approaching the idea of shared memory from a different angle.

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