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Profile image for Nicole Lloyd-Ronning
  • Nicole Lloyd-Ronning

  • Scientist, CCS-2
  • Email
  • (505) 665-5421


My expertise is in high energy astrophysics, with a focus on understanding the deaths of massive stars and the relativistic jets they can produce. I’m particularly focused on their inner engines, the jet launch mechanism, the particle acceleration and emission processes in the jet and their progenitor systems.  I also study how we use these stars, and their evolution throughout cosmic time, to understand the star formation rate history of the universe.

I am heavily involved in public scientific outreach.  I have developed a variety of K-12 outreach programs, serving schools throughout northern New Mexico, and am involved in a number of nation- and world-wide efforts to make physics and astronomy more inclusive and accessible.

I am on the faculty at University of New Mexico, Los Alamos where I teach a variety of physics and astronomy classes for undergraduates