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  • Lisa Moore

  • Scientist, CCS-6
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  • (505) 844-1302

Dr. Leslie M. (Lisa) Moore joined the Statistical Sciences Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1985 as Technical Staff Member. She retired as a Research Scientist IV in 2012 and currently is a part-time contract employee working with the group. Dr. Moore has extensive experience as a professional statistician bringing statistical thinking, rigor and innovative methodology to a wide variety of problems of scientific and national importance including monitoring of nuclear materials storage container performance, critical infrastructure protection, nuclear plant reliability, science-based stockpile stewardship (i.e., LANL's national security mission to ensure the safety and reliability of the US nuclear deterrent by developing and applying science and technology in the absence of nuclear testing), supercomputer performance and environmental impact. She has worked with scientists in many different disciplines including chemists, material scientists, engineers, physicists, epidemiologists, and ecologists.

Dr. Moore’s primary area of expertise is design of experiments for physical and simulation-based studies and analysis of designed experiments in support of study objectives. In physical experiments, Dr. Moore addresses challenges posed by limits on resources and experimental capability. In simulation-based experiments, her efforts focus on design of efficient simulation ensemble experiments for a variety of analysis objectives but with focus on sensitivity analysis as a driving aspect of uncertainty quantification for models. Dr. Moore’s areas of expertise include:

  • Statistical Theory and Methods for Experimentation: Fractional Factorial Design, Latin Hypercube Sampling, Space-filling Design, Orthogonal Array and Projection Array based LHS
  • General and Generalized Linear Models
  • Collaborative Statistical Consulting and Research