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Profile image for Kurt Solander
  • Kurt Solander

  • Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Applied Terrestrial Energy and Atmospheric Modeling, EES-16
My primary research interest involves developing a better understanding of climate impacts on the water cycle. Currently, I am working on the Critical Watersheds project to evaluate climate disturbance vegetation impacts from wildfire, drought, and insects on present and future hydrology in the Colorado River Basin. These are explored through statistical analysis of extreme streamflow events using observations and projected output from Global Climate Models (GCMs) and hydrology models. The role of climate is also investigated through statistically relating climate factors (e.g. temperature and precipitation) to the changes in hydrologic extremes. The outcome of this work will be critical to understanding how ecosystem perturbations from a changing climate will affect our water and energy systems.

During my Ph.D., I investigated human impacts on the water cycle through computational model development and remote sensing applications using data from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite missions. I also possess field experience in support of groundwater, surface water, and soils regulatory compliance reporting for both the public and private sectors in the petroleum, mining, waste disposal, forestry, and agricultural industries.