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What Can You Do to Conserve?

If you are wondering how you can become more sustainable in your daily life, take a look at the suggestions below.

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Conserving energy, water, fuel, and decreasing waste can be done in simple, but effective ways: 

What can you do to conserve energy?

  • Turn off all lights after use
  • Install motion sensor lights in bathrooms, bedrooms, and other spaces
  • Turn off appliances and electronics when not in use
  • Turn off computer monitor and printer at the end of the day 
  • Consider the most energy-efficient option when purchasing appliances

What can you do to conserve water?

  • Turn off faucets while not in use (i.e. brushing teeth, shaving)
  • Only run washing machines and dishwashers when fully loaded
  • Take short showers
  • Fix leaks
  • Update landscaping to native species

What can you do to conserve fuel?

  • Invest in an electric vehicle
  • Carpool to work
  • Walk, catch the bus, or ride a bike
  • Use conference and video conferencing
  • Arrange meetings close to the majority of attendees

What can you do to help save the Earth?