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Environmental Stewardship Resources

Learn more about environmental subjects and issues at the Laboratory that matter most to you

Be sure to keep coming back for the latest updates.

The resources linked to these subjects and issues provide information related to our enduring environmental stewardship program. We continually add resources as they become available.

We welcome your suggestions about how we can improve any of these resources, and we are happy to answer your questions about how to use them. 


The Electronic Public Reading Room (EPRR) contains Los Alamos National Laboratory documents required for compliance with environmental regulations and permits, along with other documents related to environmental issues. You may browse the documents by category and regulatory type. You can view documents added within the last 30 days via the "New Records in EPRR" link. You may also search documents by subject, author, title, full text, or document numbers. 

Starting in 2011, we assigned regulatory type and regulatory agency to the records starting.
Full text searching is a compliance requirement beginning in 2011. Full text extraction for the older documents is also available. 

The EPRR is updated as we receive new documents. 

The EPRR offers many options for downloading documents and receiving notifications when new documents are available. For details, see the Help section. 


To review hard copies of documents required for compliance with environmental regulations and permits and those related to environmental issues, visit the physical public reading room: 

94 Cities of Gold Road 
Pojoaque, NM 

Intellus Public Database

Intellus is a publicly accessible database that provides access to records collected by the Laboratory and the New Mexico Environment Department as part of environmental surveillance and compliance activities in and around Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Contact Us

We are eager to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments related to our enduring environmental stewardship or the content on the program’s website, please reach out to us via email at or call (505) 667-3792.