Los Alamos National LaboratoryInstitute for Materials Science
Incubate - Innovate - Integrate

20 years of the 115's: past, present, and future

The IMS at LANL convened a virtual workshop “20 years of the 115's: past, present, and future” on November 9th, 10th, and 12th, 2020.


  • Director
  • Dr. Filip Ronning
  • Institute for Materials Science
  • (505) 667-7426
  • Email
  • Deputy Director
  • Abigail Hunter
  • XCP-5: Materials and Physical Data
  • (505) 606-0765
  • Email
  • Administrator
  • Kelly Shea
  • Institute for Materials Science
  • (505) 667-9244
  • Email


20 years of the 115's: past, present, and future

The IMS at LANL convened a virtual workshop “20 years of the 115's: past, present, and future” on November 9th, 10th, and 12th, 2020.  Please visit the 115 workshop site link for videos and full workshop information.  For more information please contact kshea@lanl.gov

Goal: A virtual workshop with open participation to review what we have learned from the 115 system, to learn the most recent developments, and to identify the open challenges for the future.

Agenda - Virtual Links below. 

Agenda for 115 workshop

Please visit the 115 workshop site link for full workshop information

Speaker/Affiliation Title


Session Chair: Georg Knebel

Introductory Speaker Introductory Remarks
Joe Thompson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US

Title:  Ce115s: before and after 2000


Michel Kenzelmann, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Title:  The magnetism in CeCoIn5
Roman Movshovich, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US Title:  Thermal conductivity in CeCoIn5: intertwined states, resonances, and other surprises
Andrea Severing, University of Cologne, Germany Title:  X-ray probes of orbital configuration in Ce 115 systems!
Session Chair:  Zach Fisk
Yoshichika Onuki, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan

Title: Characteristic Fermi Surface Properties in f-electron Systems

Michael Smidman,Zhejiang University, China Title: Field-induced quantum criticality and evolution of the correlated state in CeRhIn5
Jonathan Denlinger,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US

Title:  Temperature Evolution of the Kondo Lattice: Comparative ARPES and DMFT study of CeCoIn5    

Priscila Ferrari Silveira Rosa, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US Title: CeRhIn5 at extremes
Session Chair: Andrea Severing
Katja Nowack, Cornell University, US Title:  Local magnetic measurements of unconventional superconductors
Laura Greene, Florida State University, High Magnetic Field Laboratory, US
Ilya Sheikin, Grenoble High Magnetic Field Facility (LNCMI), France Title: CeRhIn5 in high magnetic fields: quantum oscillations and thermodynamic studies
Philip Moll, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany

Title:  The enigmatic electronic structure of LaRhIn5

Session Chair:  Yoshi Haga
Yuji Matsuda, Kyoto University, Japan

Title: Controlling unconventional superconductivity in artificially engineered Ce115 superlattices

Youichi Yanase, Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Japan Title: Symmetry and topology of superconducting CeCoIn5 heterostructures
Gabi Kotliar, Rutgers University and Brookhaven National Laboratories, US Title:  PuCoGa5 as a Hund Raccah metal
Stefan Kirchner, Zhejiang University, China Title:  The 115 family – a platform for spectroscopic studies of quantum criticality
Session Chair: Pascoal Pagliuso
Piers Coleman, Rutgers University, US

Title:  The 115 Superconductors: Window on a new world of quantum materials

Fakher Assaad, University of Wurzburg, Germany

Title:  Kondo nano-structures and lattices: quantum Monte Carlo studies

Cris Adriano, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil Title:  What can we learn from the  218's
Steffen Wirth, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany Title:  Structural complexity in CeIrIn5 and CeCoIn5
Session Chair: Qimiao Si
Nick Curro, University of California - Davis, US Title:   Hyperfine Couplings and Hybridization Anisotropy in the CeMIn5 System
Dai Aoki, Tohoku University, Japan Title:  Fermi surface properties and heavy fermion superconductivity in Np115 systems and related materials
Rebecca Flint, Iowa State University, US Title:  Novel pairing mechanisms in heavy fermion superconductors
Group Discussion Group Discussion