Los Alamos National LaboratoryEngineering Institute
Addressing national needs by fostering specialized recruiting and strategic partnerships

Los Alamos Reports

Unless identified as SRD (Secret Restricted Data), these reports are available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA.


  • Institute Director
  • Charles Farrar
  • (505) 663-5330
  • Email
  • UCSD EI Director
  • Michael Todd
  • (858) 534-5951
  • Program Administrator
  • Ellie Vigil
  • (505) 667-2818
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  • Office Administrator
  • Vacant

Los Alamos Reports

  • E. Figueiredo, G. Park,  J. Figueiras,  C. R. Farrar, and K. Worden, “Structural Health Monitoring Algorithm Comparisons Using Standard Datasets,”  Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-14393 (2009)
  • C. R. Farrar, K. Worden, M. D. Todd, G. Park, J. Nichols, D. E. Adams, M. T. Bement, and K. Farinholt, “Nonlinear System Identification for Damage Detection,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LA-14353  (2007).
  • G. Park, C. R.  Farrar, M. D. Todd, W. Hodgkiss and  T. Rosing “Power Harvesting for Embedded Structural Health Monitoring Sensing Systems,”  Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LA-14314-MS  (2007).
  • H. Sohn, C. R. Farrar, F. M. Hemez, D. D. Shunk, D. W. Stinemates, and B. R. Nadler, “A Review of Structural Health Monitoring Literature from 1996-2001,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-13976-MS (2004).   
  • C. R. Farrar, H. Sohn, F. M. Hemez, M. C. Anderson, M. T. Bement, P. J. Cornwell, S. W. Doebling, N. Lieven, A. N. Robertson and J. F. Schultze “Damage Prognosis: Current Status and Future Needs,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-14051-MS (July 2003).   
  • D. Allen, H. Sohn, K. Worden and C. R. Farrar, “Damage Detection in Mechanical Structures Using Extreme Value Statistics,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LA-13903-MS (August 2002).
  • H. Sohn, C. Farrar, N. Hunter and K. Worden, “Applying the LANL Statistical Pattern Recognition Paradigm for Structural Health Monitoring to Data from a Surface-Effect Fast Patrol Boat,” Los Alamos National Laboratory Report Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-13761-MS, (Jan. 2001).
  • C. R. Farrar, P. J. Cornwell, S. W. Doebling, M. B. Prime, "Structural Health Monitoring Studies of the Alamosa Canyon and I-40 Bridges," Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LA-13635-MS (July, 2000).
  • J. Lake, C. R. Farrar and N. Hunter “Simulated Flight Tests on S/N 2033 at the Pantex Plant (U)”, Los Alamos National laboratory Report ESA-MT-99-78-SRD, (October, 1999)
  • M. S. H. Kam, B. C. Hoerst, P. J. Cornwell, and C. R. Farrar, “A Study of the Site Vibration Characteristics for the Fechin Institute in Taos, New Mexico,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report ESA-EA 97-1, (August, 1997).
  • C. R. Farrar, W. E. Baker, R. S. Goodman, and S. W. Doebling, “ A Study of the Site Vibration Characteristics for the NORSAM HD ROM Plant in Espanola, New Mexico,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report ESA-EA 96-1, (August, 1996).
  • S. W. Doebling, C. R. Farrar, M. B. Prime, and D. W. Shevitz, "Damage Identification and Health Monitoring of Structural and Mechanical Systems From Changes in their Vibration Characteristics: A literature Review,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-13070-MS (April 1996).
  • C. R. Farrar, and D. Jauregui, "Damage Detection Algorithms Applied to Experimental and Numerical Modal Data From the I-40 Bridge," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-13074-MS (March 1996)
  • C. R. Farrar, T. A. Duffey, P. A. Goldman, D. V. Jauregui, J. S. Vigil, "Finite Element Analysis of the I-40 Bridge Over the Rio Grande," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12979-MS, (February 1996).
  • C. R. Farrar, W. E. Baker, T. M. Bell, K. M. Cone, T. W. Darling, T. A. Duffey, A. Eklund, and A. Migliori, "Dynamic Characterization and Damage Detection in the I-40 Bridge over the Rio Grande," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12767-MS, (June 1994).
  • J. G. Bennett, P. Goldman, D. Williams, C.R. Farrar, “A Comparison of the Dynamics Stiffness of the Goldcrown GC-500 Grinding Machine for Three Slide Designs,” Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA- 12705-MS, (January 1994).
  • T. A. Duffey, A. Goldman, C. R. Farrar, "Shear Wall Ultimate Drift Limits," LA-12649-MS, NUREG/CR-6104 (March 1994).
  • C. R. Farrar and W. E. Baker, "Damping in Low-Aspect-Ratio Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12201-MS, NUREG/CR-5776 (May 1993).
  • C. R. Farrar and W. E. Baker, "Stiffness of Low-Aspect-Ratio Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12181-MS, NUREG/CR-5755 (January 1993)
  • C. R. Farrar, T. A. Duffey, and P. A. Goldman, "Seismic Buckling Capacity of the NPR-HWR Containment Shell," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12359-MS (July 1992).
  • C. R. Farrar, W. E. Baker, and R. C. Dove, "Static and Simulated Seismic Testing of the TRG-7 Through -16 Shear Wall Structures," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11992-MS, NUREG/CR-5660 (September 1991).
  • S. P. Girrens and C. R. Farrar, "Experimental Assessment of Air Permeability in a Concrete Shear Wall Subjected to Simulated Seismic Loading," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12124-MS, (July 1991).  5)
  • C. R. Farrar, J. G. Bennett, W. E. Baker, W. E. Dunwoody, "Static Load Cycle Testing of a Very Low-Aspect-Ratio Six-Inch Wall TRG-Type Structure TRG-6-6 (0.27, 0.50), "Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11796-MS, NUREG/CR-5533 (November 1990).
  • C. R. Farrar, J. G. Bennett, W. E. Dunwoody, W. E. Baker, "Static Load Cycle Testing of a Low-Aspect-Ratio Four-Inch Wall, TRG-Type Structure TRG-5-4 (1.0, 0.56)." Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11739-MS, NUREG/CR-5487 (November 199).
  • C. R. Farrar, J. G. Bennett, W. E. Dunwoody, W. E. Baker, "The Seismic Category I Structures Program Results for FY 1987," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11607-MS, NUREG/CR-5369 (October 1990).
  • C. R. Farrar, J. G. Bennett, W. E. Dunwoody, and W. E. Baker, "Static Load Cycle Testing of a Low-Aspect-Ratio Six-inch Wall, TRG-type Structure TRG-4-6 (1.0, 0.25)," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11422-MS, NUREG/CR-5222 (June 1989).
  • C. R. Farrar and C. M. Alvord, "Use of Linear Reduced-Stiffness Analytical Models to Predict Seismic Response of Damaged Concrete Structures," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11444-MS, NUREG/CR-5237 (May 1989).
  • J. G. Bennett, R. C. Dove, W. E. Dunwoody, C. R. Farrar, and P. Goldman, "The Seismic Category I Structures Program: Results for FY 1986," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11377-MS, NUREG/CR-5182 (September 1988).
  • C. R. Farrar, R. C. Dove, and J. C. Hedstrom, "Instrumentation of the Santa Clara and Nambe Bridges During The Confined Physics Research Facility Generator Transportation," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11373-MS, (September 1988).
  • C. R. Farrar and J. G. Bennett, "Experimental Assessment of Damping in Low Aspect Ratio, Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Structures," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11325-MS, NUREG/CR-5154 (August 1988).
  • J. G. Bennett, R. C. Dove, W. E. Dunwoody, C. R. Farrar, and P. Goldman, "The Seismic Category I Structures Program: Results for FY 1985," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11117-MS, NUREG/CR-4998 (December 1987).
  • J. G. Bennett, R. C. Dove, W. E. Dunwoody, C. R. Farrar, and P. Goldman, "Simulated Seismic Tests on 1/42- and 1/14-Scale Category I, Auxiliary Buildings," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11093-MS, NUREG/CR-4987 (October 1987).
  • R. C. Dove, J. G. Bennett, C. Farrar, and C. A. Anderson, "Seismic Category I Structures Program: Final Report, FY 1983-84," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-11013-MS, NUREG/CR-4924 (September 1987).
  • C. R. Farrar, "Prediction of Nonlinear Structural Response in LMFBR Elevated-Temperature Piping," Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-10090-MS, NUREG/CR-3845 (June 1986).
  • C. R. Farrar and D. I. Thrasher, “Iterative curve fit of a power law equation to solid propellant shift factor data,” Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, special progress report, Jun. 1981 - Jan. 1982.