Los Alamos National LaboratoryDense Plasma Theory
Microphysical properties of dense, strongly coupled, and quantum plasmas

X-ray Thomson Scattering

X-ray Thomson scattering is a commonly used diagnostic for dense plasmas.  It can be used to determine the temperature of a plasma.  Usually a model is needed to extract this information.

Elastic Scattering Feature

In x-ray scattering experiments the static elastic contribution (W (k)) to the measured electron-electron dynamic structure factor can be approximated as

wk formula
 which is the pseudoatom density multipled by the ion-ion structure factor.  Both which are natural ouputs of our PAMD model. A direct application of this model to measurements by Fetcher et al revealed good agreement for the Kohn-Sham version of the PAMD model.  However, using the Thomas-Fermi version, the model did not agree.  This shows the breakdown of the Thomas-Fermi method.

Comparison to Fletcher et al

This work was published here.