Native communities enrich the Lab's culture

People representing numerous tribes, pueblos, and First Nations speak about their experiences at Los Alamos.

November 28, 2022

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“I left New Mexico to pursue an engineering degree at Stanford University, ultimately returning to be closer to my family and community. Now I want to encourage other Natives to pursue their passion in engineering and sciences wherever it may take them,” says senior project engineer Teena Redhorse (Diné/Navajo Nation). Credit to: Los Alamos National Laboratory
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More than 30 pueblos, tribes, and First Nations across the United States and Canada are represented by employees at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Many of these employees are involved in the Lab’s American Indian employee resource group, a forum for promoting communication and community among employees who have an interest in American Indian issues. NSS magazine spoke to members of the group to hear more about their heritages and experiences at the Lab. ★


Abstracts Gerald Stairs
"It's great to promote our pueblo in its proud heritage and way of life by providing information on its tribal government, traditions, and culture as a resource to the community," says environmental technician Gerald Martinez, of the Pueblo de San Ildefonso.


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