By the Numbers: Nobel Prizes

Twenty scientists with ties to Los Alamos have won Nobel Prizes.

July 6, 2020

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Established by Alfred Nobel in 1895, the Nobel Prize is the most prestigious award offered in the fields of chemistry, peace, physics, literature, physiology or medicine, and economics. Nobel Prizes have been bestowed upon more than 900 individuals. More than a dozen of these Nobel Laureates contributed to research at Los Alamos during some point of their careers.

Nobel Prizes

17 Nobel Prize Laureates for physics:

Roy Glauber, 2005
Masatoshi Koshiba, 2002
Norman Ramsey, 1989
Val Fitch, 1980
Aage Bohr, 1975
Luis Alvarez, 1968
Hans Bethe, 1967
Richard Feynman, 1965
Maria Goeppert-Mayer, 1963
Owen Chamberlain, 1959
Emilio Segre, 1959
Felix Bloch, 1952
Isidor Rabi, 1944
Enrico Fermi, 1938
Sir James Chadwick, 1935
Neils Bohl, 1922 

1 Nobel Prize Laureates for peace:

Joseph Rotblat, 1995

2 Nobel Prize Laureates for chemistry:

Thomas Cech, 1989
Edwin McMillan, 1951

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