$2.5 million grant benefits students, communities

Triad funding supports education, economic development and charitable giving in Northern New Mexico

February 1, 2021

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With support from Laboratory operator Triad, Santa Fe-based Bicycle Technologies International was awarded a no-interest loan from the Regional Development Corporation to purchase a wheel-building machine that will help the company increase the supply for pre-built wheels on demand.
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Students, small businesses and other community members and groups in Northern New Mexico will benefit this year from a $2.5 million grant from Triad National Security, LLC, the operator of Los Alamos National Laboratory.  The Triad board of directors approved the investment to fund education, economic development and community giving in the region.

“This grant underlines Triad’s commitment to supporting Northern New Mexico as we go through this challenging time and look to build a brighter future,” said Laboratory Director Thom Mason. “The board’s decision will also magnify the impact of Laboratory programs and our employees’ generous support of nonprofits.”

Triad is a public service oriented organization equally owned by its three founding members: Battelle Memorial Institute, the Texas A&M University System and the University of California

“This grant underlines Triad’s commitment to supporting Northern New Mexico as we go through this challenging time and look to build a brighter future,” said Laboratory Director Thom Mason.

From the $2.5 million Community Commitment Plan, three key long-term partners will receive major investments:

  • LANL Foundation receives $700,000 for STEM education, scholarships and teacher support
  • Regional Development Corporation receives $700,000 to support economic diversity including an internship program, and awards to small businesses
  • United Way of Northern New Mexico receives $150,000 to support nonprofit collaboration and capacity-building, and tackle substance abuse issues

The rest of the funding will go to support other nonprofits in the region, and a small portion to grant administration.

“Triad’s investment allows us to continue our work providing investment opportunities and technical assistance to facilitate job growth and diversify the Northern New Mexico economy,” says Val Alonzo, Executive Director of the nonprofit Regional Development Corporation. “With many small businesses and job seekers facing difficulties as a result of the pandemic, this partnership can have a real impact in the lives of people in our communities.”

The Triad investment will also be used to match employees’ nonprofit giving in Northern New Mexico and fund a range of smaller grants and sponsorships to organizations in the region.

“The Laboratory is a part of the fabric of Northern New Mexico as a major employer and driver for the economy, and as a partner in a range of community programs and initiatives,” said Kathy Keith, director of the Laboratory’s Community Partnerships Office. “We’re proud to support education programs that prepare our young people for jobs at LANL and elsewhere, helping both the region and the Laboratory thrive.”

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