For your calendar – November 2024

Events for the next few weeks

November 27, 2024

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Los Alamos Winterfest Dec. 6-8 includes a lights parade, craft workshops, movie screenings, dance performances and a Santa’s workshop. Credit: Los Alamos County.
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Nov. 28: Thanksgiving

Nov. 28: Turkey Trot
Work up an appetite while supporting the Atalaya Elementary PTA in Santa Fe at the 18th anniversary of this 5K race and 1K kids’ fun run.

Dec. 1: Dawn ‘til Dusk at Los Luceros
Los Luceros Historic Site in Alcalde offers extended hours from sunrise to sunset — a great opportunity to see wintering birds. Guests can also explore the buildings and the farmyard, and enjoy a paper crane puppet-making activity.

Dec. 4: Coffee & Collab
Santa Fe’s Office of Economic Development hosts this gathering of business and community builders with the aim of bringing together economic and business development leaders to share insights and spark ideas. RSVP required.

Dec. 6-8: Los Alamos Winterfest
Enjoy a weekend of wintery events in the Hidden City including a lights parade, craft workshops, movie screenings, dance performances and even a Santa’s workshop.

Dec. 9: Movie night to support the Del Norte LOV Foundation
Get the holiday season started with a fundraising trip to watch Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas at the Violet Crown Santa Fe in support of the Del Norte LOV Foundation.

Dec. 10: Open studios at IAIA
Head to the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) for its artist-in-residence studio visits, where you can learn about the techniques, tools, ideas, and cultural influences of artists Mikailah Thompson (Nimîipuu) and Ethan Lauesen (Gulkana Village Council), and see some of their work.

Dec. 11: Social sector policy day
Groundworks New Mexico hosts a day of events to help nonprofits and funders understand policy advocacy. Sessions include an in-person workshop and a legislative preview webinar moderated by LANL Foundation CEO Gwen Perea Warniment.

Have a community event or resource you think we should feature? Email the details (including web link) to



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