Bradbury Science Museum remembers Charlie McMillan

Members of the community are invited to share their tributes to the former Laboratory director

December 19, 2024

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The Charlie McMillan Memorial Wall at the Bradbury Science Museum.
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From now until the new year, visitors to the Laboratory's Bradbury Science Museum in Los Alamos are invited to share their memories, tributes and condolences to commemorate former Laboratory Director Charlie McMillan.

The Public Forum area of the museum has become a memorial wall for McMillan, who died unexpectedly in a traffic accident in September.

"The Public Forum wall is always a place to write your thoughts and share with others," said Patrick Moore, director of the museum. "Since his sudden death saddened the entire community, we thought this format would be a good way to commemorate such a prominent and admired figure — providing a place for everyone to express themselves. The contributions will be saved for our museum archive as part of the Laboratory’s history."

Three of the glass tiles in the wall display portraits of McMillan and his obituary. Visitors can view the previous submissions or write their own tributes on sticky notes and attach them to the other tiles.

"We'd like to invite employees and other members for the community who knew Charlie to take part," Moore said. "The memorial wall will remain up until after the holiday break in January.”

Operated by Los Alamos National Laboratory, the museum’s exhibits document the science of the Lab’s 80-year history. The Bradbury Science Museum charges no admission and is open to the public 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday.


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