Other News – May 2023

Laboratory helps Northern New Mexico College with new strategic planning initiative

May 18, 2023

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Laboratory operator Triad has provided funding to assist with Northern New Mexico College’s strategic planning.
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Northern New Mexico College in Española has launched a strategic planning initiative with financial support from Laboratory operator Triad. Northern will use the grant awarded through Triad’s Community Commitment Plan to help secure a partnership with Dini Spheris, a company that is a national expert in strategic management, to facilitate broad faculty, staff and community input for the initiative.

“We have a very strong partnership with Northern, including our work with them on their radiation protection program and also on the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Minority Serving Institutions investment initiative,” said Kathy Keith, director of the Laboratory's Community Partnerships Office. “We are excited to be able to support their strategic planning as they look to lay the groundwork for a bright future.”

Titled “Soaring to New Heights Strategic Plan 2028,” the initiative will develop a five-year strategic plan to enhance Northern’s student experience, build on Northern’s strengths, and address its most pressing challenges. 

More information on the initiative is available here.

Free internship toolkit for businesses

The Employer’s Guide to Successful Internships, a free resource published by the LANL Foundation, is now available online to help New Mexican businesses find, develop and retain local talent. With extensive tips and adaptable resources, this toolkit guides employers from envisioning and designing a program, through recruiting and interviewing candidates, to launching and mentoring interns. 

“The toolkit is designed with what we call a ‘both/and’ approach,” said the author of the guide, Tobie Baker Wright, director of the Foundation’s college, career and community pathways program. “We focus both on the positive outcomes for the employers — building their talent pipeline, decreasing turnover, diversifying their workforce — but also on the benefits for the intern. Young people can learn so much from these opportunities, both in terms of seeing themselves as young professionals and as contributors to their communities.” 

The guide centers diversity, equity, and inclusion practices when designing an internship and offers tips and how-tos on recruiting young professionals from communities of color, setting equity targets and ensuring the application is accessible to students who may have limited access to the internet and other technology. 

The free guide is available here.



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