For your calendar – December 2023

Events for the next few weeks

December 19, 2023

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Skate with Santa in Los Alamos, Dec. 23.
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Dec. 22, 23 - Baroque Christmas Concert
As part of Santa Fe Pro Musica’s Holiday Bach Festival, head to the St. Francis Auditorium at the NM Museum of Art in Santa Fe, for this Christmas concert featuring works by Bach, Corelli and Handel, along with traditional carols.

Dec. 23 - Campfire stories at Fort Union
Join a park ranger round a warming fire for tales of history or spooky stories at Fort Union National Monument.

Dec. 23 - Skate with Santa
Santa takes time during his busy holiday schedule to visit the open air ice rink in Los Alamos, bringing his elves and handing out candy canes.

Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve on the Plaza
The City of Santa Fe hosts the annual celebration, featuring live music, bonfires, food trucks, and highlighted by the rising of the Zia symbol and fireworks at midnight.

Jan. 1, 2023 - New Year’s Day

Jan. 9 - UNM Business and Economic Summit
If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, or involved in economic development then why not kick-off the new year with this free one-day summit in Albuquerque aimed at envisioning the state’s future entrepreneurial economy.

Jan. 16 - Deadline for LANL Foundation’s four-year scholarship applications
Students from Northern New Mexico who meet the eligible criteria are encouraged to apply for these four-year undergraduate scholarship awards, which are funded largely by contributions from Laboratory employees. More details here.

Feb. 1 - Deadline for pre-apprenticeship programs grant applications
From the U.S. Department of Labor, the YouthBuild program awards grants to organizations providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, who are performing meaningful work and service to their communities. 

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