For your calendar – September 2022

Events for the next few weeks

September 19, 2022

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Archaeologist Cyler Conrad and isotope geochemist Jeremy Inglis explain what turtles can tell us about nuclear history on Sept. 19.
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Sept. 19 - On the backs of turtles: living nuclear records
What do turtles have to do with nuclear history? Find out with Lab scientists Cyler Conrad and Jeremy Inglis at this month's Periodic Table, the Bradbury Science Museum’s casual ask-me-anything gathering at the Bathtub Row Brewing Co-op in Los Alamos.

Sept. 21 -  IAIA and SFCC open house events
For the first time, the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) and Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) are hosting open house events on the same day, making it easier to visit both campuses for demos, art exhibits, tours, and to meet students, staff, and faculty at both schools. 

Sept. 24: Española Spirit Days 
Head to Valdez park in Española for this community event with music, team games (including tug of war and wheelbarrow racing), vendors, car shows and food. There will also be booths from local businesses and nonprofit organizations.

Sept. 30 - New Mexico Broadband Collective Summit
Join this free virtual gathering to hear from leaders in New Mexico broadband expansion efforts, highlight our state's accomplishments, and plan for the future.

Oct. 5-7 - Outdoor economics conference
Head to Taos for the New Mexico Outdoor Economics Conference (presented by nonprofit Outdoor New Mexico) to learn about economic development strategies and opportunities connected to protected public lands, including the development of governmental policies and local entrepreneurship.  

Oct. 6 - 36th Annual Piñon Awards
Join the Santa Fe Community Foundation as it celebrates local nonprofit organizations that have made significant contributions to the community at this event at La Fonda in Santa Fe.

Oct. 15-16 - Galisteo Studio Tour
Visit the studios of a range of artists across the Galisteo Basin, and stop in the village for food from Santa Fe food trucks in this fall tradition, now in its 34th year. The artists opening their doors include potters, weavers, photographers, jewelers and painters.


Have a community event or resource you think we should feature? Email the details (including web link) to


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