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$2.5 million in grants benefit nonprofits, businesses and students

David MooreEditor


Funding from Laboratory operator Triad supports education, economic development and charitable giving in Northern New Mexico

March 21, 2022

Small businesses, students and nonprofits in Northern New Mexico will benefit this year from a $2.5 million grant from Triad National Security, LLC, the operator of Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Triad board of directors approved the investment to fund education, economic diversity and community giving in the region.

“This grant underlines Triad’s commitment to make a lasting impact on the wellbeing of communities in Northern New Mexico through partnerships and investments,” said Thom Mason, president and CEO of Triad, who also serves as the director of Los Alamos National Laboratory. “The board’s decision will magnify the impact of the Laboratory’s own community programs and our employees’ generous support of nonprofits.”

Triad is a public service oriented organization equally owned by its three founding members: Battelle Memorial Institute, the Texas A&M University System and the University of California

From the $2.5 million Community Commitment Plan for 2022, three key long-term partners will receive major investments: 

  • LANL Foundation receives $700,000 for STEM education, scholarships and teacher support
  • Regional Development Corporation receives $700,000 to support economic diversity including an internship program, and awards to small businesses
  • United Way of Northern New Mexico receives $150,000 to support nonprofit collaboration and capacity-building, and tackle substance abuse issues

“Triad’s investment allows us to continue our work that aims to foster 21st century learning opportunities across Northern New Mexico,” says Jenny Parks, president and chief executive office of the independent LANL Foundation nonprofit. “The support targets four areas: K-12 STEM education, expanding college career and community pathways, preparing and supporting teachers, and supporting LANL Scholars.”

The Triad investment will also be used to match employees’ nonprofit giving in Northern New Mexico, while a small portion of the funding goes to grant administration.

Additionally, more than $250,000 will fund a range of grants and sponsorships to other organizations in the region. Eligible nonprofits from the seven counties around the Laboratory (Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, San Miguel, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Taos) can apply online for these funds online, with awards typically valued at $5,000 or less. The next deadlines for applications are June 10, and August 5, 2022.

In 2021, Triad made awards to more than 70 nonprofits across Northern New Mexico. A full list of grant recipients from 2021’s investments, along with further information on Triad’s Community Commitment Plan and the impact of the Laboratory’s community activities is available here.

Since taking over the operation of Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2018, Triad has invested more than $8.5 million in philanthropic giving in Northern New Mexico.

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