For your calendar – June 2022

Events for the next few weeks

June 1, 2022

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Laboratory mathematician Carrie Manore discusses how she models complex systems to investigate infectious disease spread on June 20.
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June 4 - Los Alamos ChamberFest
Head to the Hidden City for a street fair featuring music, a ball pit, dog pool and the traditional sand pile.

June 7 - Artist/Business Think Tank
Do you have a question or something to share about running a business around your art? WESST/Santa Fe is hosting this online discussion for artists to communicate with each other and pool their knowledge and experience.

June 11 - Free movie screening at Railyard Park
The Museum of International Folk Art hosts a free screening of the Japanese movie A Letter to Momo at the Santa Fe Railyard, complete with a Japanese drumming performance.

June 15-16 - Statewide town hall on behavioral health
New Mexico First host this hybrid in-person/virtual conference, allowing stakeholders from across the state to participate in the discussion on mental and behavioral health in New Mexico.

June 16 - Santa Fe Chamber Business Excellence Awards
Join the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce for their 2022 Awards Gala at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center Courtyard. Roaring 20's dress is encouraged!

June 20 - Biosecurity Buzz with Carrie Manore
Head to Los Alamos for the latest Periodic Table: the Bradbury Science Museum’s casual gathering at the Bathtub Row Brewing Co-op. Mathematician Carrie Manore discusses how she models complex systems to investigate infectious disease spread, and uses mosquitoes' behavioral data to understand biosecurity patterns and climate change hazards.

June 24 - Astronomy talk on Annie Jump Cannon
For this talk hosted by PEEC in Los Alamos, LANL researcher Heidi Morris discusses the work of Annie Jump Cannon who found patterns in stellar spectra that led to a star classification scheme that is still relevant today.

June 25 - Taos Opera Institute Festival Showcase
Hear the talented young artists of the Taos Opera Institute and special guests as they perform their gala concert to mark the end of their month-long program in Taos.

Have a community event or resource you think we should feature? Email the details (including web link) to

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