In other news - August 2021
LANL employees’ generosity provides more than 700 backpacks for students returning to school
August 10, 2021
As the new school year approaches, Laboratory employees have been making sure children in Northern New Mexico can return to their classrooms with everything they need to succeed by providing more than 700 backpacks with school supplies to schools and regional partners. The Lab’s Community Partnerships Office (CPO) distributed 95 backpacks funded by employees to the City of Espanola’s Project RACE school supply drive. With some larger school districts already covered by other drives, CPO also used employee donations to purchase 650 backpacks with supplies from a local small business, and distributed them to five rural school districts in Northern New Mexico that expressed a need. Schools will ensure that the resources provided will be given to students who need them most.
LANL Director Mason addresses NM Highlands University Board of Regents on collaborations
Los Alamos National Laboratory Director Thom Mason addressed the New Mexico Highlands University Board of Regents July 23, discussing collaborations between the two institutions. At the in-person meeting in Las Vegas, Mason stated that Highlands, Pojoaque Valley School District, and the Lab's Math & Science Academy continue to improve teacher training at the Regional Partnership School in Pojoaque. In addition, 18 Highlands students are interns at the Laboratory this summer, and the Lab's Acquisition Services division is striving to match business students at Highlands with internships and full-time positions at the Laboratory. Triad National Security, the Lab's management contractor, contributed $5,000 in the university's documentary K-12 STEM Education in the Time of COVID and $7,000 for Highlands’ Summer STEAM Youth Camp.
Get ready for DisrupTech
On August 18, the Laboratory’s Feynman Center for Innovation and NM Start-up Factory host the 7th annual DisrupTech event, a celebration of the disruptive technology created by the great minds of Los Alamos scientists. At the virtual event carefully selected entrepreneurial-minded scientists present their research and ideas with the goal of introducing the latest groundbreaking technology from Los Alamos to entrepreneurs, investors, regional leaders, policy makers, and industrial partners.