Periodic Table: Climate impacts and national security on May 13

Travis Pitts discusses modeling climate changes

May 2, 2024

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Travis Pitts Credit to: Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Droughts, floods and other markers of climate change can have damaging effects on infrastructure, communication and military operations. At this month’s Periodic Table event on Monday, May 13, join climate security expert Travis Pitts to discuss how modeling shifts in the Earth’s climate helps researchers anticipate threats to national security — including rising sea levels and food scarcity.

The Periodic Table is the Bradbury Science Museum’s casual, ask-me-anything program held at Project Y Cowork in Los Alamos. Gather with other science enthusiasts and talk with a special guest Labbie about their unique work. The Periodic Table is always free.

About the speaker: Travis Pitts is a program manager for climate security in the Global Security directorate at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He holds a bachelor’s degree in information technology management from Saint Louis University and a master’s degree in security studies from Georgetown University. Prior to joining LANL in 2019, Travis worked for 10 years in the U.S. intelligence community. His areas of expertise include international relations, geospatial modeling and analysis, remote sensing and tailoring climate science applications for national security stakeholders.

Monday, May 13
5:30-7 p.m.
Project Y Cowork
150 Central Park Square
Los Alamos, NM

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