New! Space science digital scavenger hunt

Bradbury gets interactive with Goosechase app

May 2, 2024

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Satellites and more are in our space-themed digital experience Credit to: Los Alamos National Laboratory
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The Bradbury Science Museum is proud to partner with the Goosechase app to launch our first interactive digital scavenger hunt: the “Space Science at the Bradbury Experience.” Individuals and groups will hunt for the space-themed finds located in the museum’s exhibits. It’s free, fun and a fantastic way to enhance your visit to the Bradbury.

Want to see what you’ll find? You can get the “Space Science at the Bradbury Experience” in just a few simple steps.

  1. Download the free Goosechase app from your iOS or Android app store.
  2.  Participate as a guest or register for a personal account with a username and password.
  3. Search for and select the “Space Science at the Bradbury Experience,” or search for join code V87Q98.
  4. Follow the prompts to select or create your player profile.
  5. Have fun!

Our team is developing other Goosechase hunts for different scientific themes. If you complete the “Space Science at the Bradbury Experience,” please share your feedback with our museum guides. Happy hunting!

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