Now showing! Oppenheimer: Science, Mission, Legacy

Documentary about the Lab’s first director

October 2, 2023

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Alan Carr hosts “Oppenheimer: Science Mission Legacy” Credit to: National Security Research Center
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The 45-minute documentary “Oppenheimer: Science Mission Legacy” is now showing at the Bradbury Science Museum at noon, Tuesday through Saturday.

Produced by the Laboratory’s National Security Research Center, this film tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, known as the “father of the atomic bomb” and the Lab’s first director. Alan Carr, the Lab’s senior historian, provides narration throughout the documentary. Interviewees include director Thom Mason; biographer Kai Bird, co-author of “American Prometheus”; retired U.S. Senate staffer Tim Reiser, who was instrumental in the 2022 vacating of Oppenheimer’s revoked security clearance in 1954; historians Ellen McGehee and Roger Meade; and James Kunetka, author of “The General and the Genius.”

A three-part expanded version of the film can be watched online.

Read more about the documentary.

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